kartog · 1 points ·
Biking on snow. K.

kartog · 1 points ·
This one is a real bumper.

kartog · 0 points ·
That's what being a spoiled *** gets you.

kartog · 3 points ·
You can clearly see that the dog was thrown.

kartog · 1 points ·
not really, it's the same guy posting on 2 accounts while botting 20+ views

kartog · 1 points ·
funny how you start with 20 likes every time you post.

kartog · 6 points ·
Repost you dickhead.

kartog · 5 points ·
I like how they left some space between U and R so he can put ' where it's supposed to be :P

kartog · 1 points ·
I kinda thought I was the only one hating them... fkin EA, nothing works lately. BF3 sucks :d... Fifa 13 sucks... Simcity sucks... I'm not gona buy anything from them again xD

kartog · 1 points ·
Well, every normal person would look both ways... there are too many tards driving :d
