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Can you please google what feminism is before you start calling me a monster?
I want equality not your dick in a jar.

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Comeback at its finest
Oh Sasha !!!
The CAPS LOCK effect
So, do you want to start a healthy life?
That awkward moment when you can't decide if u should cross the street before or after the car goes
It was worth watching for this scene.
screw you i'm out of here
AC gamers will know (paint skills)
Horny Obi Wan
Ezio Rabbitore
i like her dirty smile
Couldn't help but think of it...
True Love
Dark Souls is quite unforgiving.
Baboons can't drive a honda.
Do not block this guy's car...
Videocards during summer
This is your life on rare candy.
Her face is perfect.
Story of my life
We all have that kind of "friend"
And check
error 1791 logic not found
Deadpool Time.
Hm 05 for you.
My life is now completed.
Vegeta always misses with this attack
I love birds
The longest gif in the world
Everyone hates this.
yea man, 2 white 4 dis
Hold my beer.
never go full retard...
Tasty Tepig bacon.
ladies and gentlemen.. Bo Burnham
Monty Python
Nice thinking , Egypt
So that's why my pc was overheating...
lick cat
someone got dibs in his ribs
I think I found my new favorite picture
Can't we keep things cool around here.
Really Butterfree... Really...
Just Youtube
Anything for you, Anon!
y u do dis...
How to get a girls number. 1.Beat up her pet.
What a nice comparison.
Wiggles mosh pit
Seriously, it's great
i am not fat....seriously guys
oh how times have changed
oh tumblr
Fair enough..
animal research? why not...
Not taking shit from you Australia
I need this for some "special guests"
Aquaman worst enemy
Overly attatched ellen
Math problems
Creative condoms
Dr. Manhattan has some kickass super-powers!
how I would react.
Bravo dad, bravo
His name is
If you still live with your parents
Italian relatives
Hope the NSA likes it XD!
Close Enough
Right in the feels
How long we have to wait... but at least it's confirmed!
Waking up on monday morning
would love to try this!
Germany can into poland.
Is butt being censored here? Let's find out
The game...
Go home Crush you're high.
Stan's cray!
No burger for you today
Laser eye surgery level: Jedi
LotR goes MMO
Loading is relative...
The ents attack
Bug Bunny
did you know?
When you lose Internet Connection and have no idea what to do with yourself
Makes sense.
Too soon, dude, too soon...
Apply cold water...
No sons for you my friend
ah hell with it
Most likely mine.