A giant wall of "turn the *** around"


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Building Level: over 9000
But the deer wants to be in the water
Are we, ARE WE!!!!
Extreme Sports
Gender equality
Tried it yesterday, worked like a charm
I'm going to the Nurse.
You good at math?
Tossing a dwarf a water bottle
You are left bereft of power
Oh god
International 'murica rage
Did not see that coming
Sorry for being so late
plz go awei!
Titain: Michael Bay Edition
Hank Hill on Christian Rock
Just the right meme
The Draco Malfoy series.
'random' searches
Kitty will save you!!
She'd be queen of da ghetto
I'd have to give that a 9.5
existential sports game
That cheating ***!
Lil Wayne playing guitar
here we go
Awkward moment...
what a lot of people forget
It's almost a quarter of a style
What am I missing here?
10.) "............Always."
too bad our real ladder left us.
Twilight description
Well i don't hear Brock complain
Don't even try put it out.
Canadian drug dealing
At least they listen to the same music
So I guess this dude shows up every night and everyone in the bar thinks this is normal.
Bad Luck Jake.
cleaning lady
Hot Wheels loop in real life
Y u so rude?
News, the *** leader has been found.
I laughed way more than I should
the last pic tho
It clearly runs
Where do I sign up?
Windows evolution
Say no to leather! bikers (dont) come at me
Bearway to Heaven
If this doesn't describe the internet, I don't know what does
One crack cocaine plis!
Why beat around the bush.
You have never experienced true happiness until you ride a flightless bird.
Downside of googleglasses
the best gif to explain weekends
Goddammit, Ikea, you broke the universe
Touch all the boobies!
Just watering my show
I should go to Australia.
Story of my life
Tumblr sums it up
this guy .
birthday parties
This is sad, but funny at the same time.
A bra??!! Ugh, gross!!!
shafdude saving dem bananas
Im dizzy now
i think im a solid 0
Well excuseeee me jack ass
Gotta love the pharma industry!
Childhood Awesomized!
Faith in humanity -47
The logic of Star Wars
Money for a Disabled Person
So that's how this shot was taken
Eye contact
Japan just never ceases to amaze me
nigga want it hard
Meanwhile in Russia...
Not again..
A classy entrance for a classy man
Let the journey begin
His name is Gaynor.
Try the different camera angle they said... you will look hotter they said...
Cat has skills
So it's "Thanks Michelle" now aye?
I wood not have made that pun
didn't expect that
something you should be proud about