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Go *** yourself with my dick!
Almost all of my posts are taken from 4chan, and if I post a repost, tell me.

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Woodchopper: The Game: The Movie
then why don't you show me whats under your dress?
another unrealistic standard for women
all my feels
imgur - giving the best ideas that we will never actually do
Nic cage Morning
I can't be the only one who noticed this one. (wait what?!)
As a twin, I can attest for this.
A suggestion for fighting reposts
"He's everything I want!"
trying to be cool
bad luck
i shall call him mini-me
Their education has gone out the window!
Anon knows what's up
Deal with it
lesson learned
so majestic
This is why life sucks
You either go full pirate or yarr ain't one
all you ugly ***s
new level of wat
Such artist
Apparently these quotes don't have a negative effect on people here...
They're horrible.
Trust me I'm an engineer
American commercials need to get on Japan’s level!
He probably lost a bet.
If only all problems were this easy to solve
he's a decomposing composer
Am I the only one who noticed?
Thats gotta hurt.
Oh, Finding Nemo.
tastefully terrible memes
Recycling at its best!
When Hugelolers meet outside Hugelol
How terrifying
dynasty warrior 9
Now thats rich
"Dude we forgot the bomb! Go get one!"
Knowing it's a repost but finding no evidence
Jaden masterrace
I love men (No homo)
Woah Lara, you alright there?
goddamn it fish slappin dream jesus
the perfect bruce wayne..
tumblr found out how to divide by zero
I showed my dad this meme, and he said he knew the guy from high school.
he is a pro
What do you think of Hugelol, Jake?
Without a doubt something that fabulous must come from James
Just six? No. No idea. It sounds wonderful, though
Well thats one way to think about it.
nice trick, @$$h0le..
When gaming becomes hardcore
so profound
Let the war begin
well ***
Louis CK, one of the few men that can be racist and get away with it
lulz dark humor
Wasteland 2 is great game indeed, right?
Dramatic meal
Every ***ing Time !!
And the zero? The *** is he? A donught!!!?!
there's always next year
the embodiment of swag
well.. that escalated quickly..
To protect the world from devestation
omg OP not again
Since when!?!
yeah its not like i wanted to smoke too or anything
Those damn puns.
most important meal of the day.
Butt-dad to the rescue
I knew that dance was beyond special.
Holy shit! it all make sense now
Tired of your shit youtube.
Thats a bit harsh
this year
The reason im using tumblr
I want to be a famous writer
Oh tumblr.
what the f...
Finally found a solution to my huge problem.
Would you like cream with that?
poor tyrone
n*gga god
Well that ruind my hopes and dreams
"What is it, Daddy?" "Nobody knows"
Anarchy in the restaurant
I hope you've got Burn Heal
Goddamn timelords
My Family when I get off the computer to be with them
most of us