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Go *** yourself with my dick!
Almost all of my posts are taken from 4chan, and if I post a repost, tell me.

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Damn it Australia!
Poor Leo
Gobby pls
HIMYM Conspiracies.
Such Tumblr
Guess who's OP?
Hey look! A new nickelback album. Why is there flour οn it?
I claim hack.
Protect the POTUS!
Just wanted to touch a boob
Your mama!
Just a normal day in a dog's life
Me at parties
udderly disappointed...
Clever girl...
He likes walks in the park
Just why?
that joke was superbad
Enough internet for today
Everybody wants to know this question !
Once you see it...
Super pursuit mode activated.
I would too.. (No homo)
Girl's like... still a virgin
I wish I had a funny post title
Not THE best when you're Drunk
so many untruthful stories they would tell
But . . .
Shooting level beyong imagination
fatty chair at the drive-thru.
Alpha as f*ck.
I can apply my fishing life to my sex life
Tumblr makes brownies
Hey, kids. Wanna buy some... freedom?
Minecraft and Mein Kampf
Whatever happens, happens for something good..
nigga, nigga niggaa - lil wayne
I concur with the said statement
Australian problems
Yeah, well...
Now read it from right to left
Give a Girl a Rock..
A prescription that each OP needs..
now that is a 'real' gentleman, and smooth too..
good guy nokia, energy-saver..
Time to hang myself.
Nippon steel
Filthy liar.
Much Troll
He seems familiar.
Oh no! He can't walk!
*Tips Fedora*
Plot twist: The price would have been all the beans
Making Little kids cry.
Yahoo + 4chan
Thanks a lot, dad.
Meeting a repost just a few posts after OC
Arab problems.
...and then I got jumped
this is actually a good point
Oh Joey
Revenge., ***.
It's time
Romantic as f*ck
oh the irony is killing me....
let the butthurt begin..
best present ever......
['Merica intensifies]
Only in 'Murica!
Hammer, what are you doing?!
I think he might be
truly EA quality work
It's fun and games until....
Majestic majestic ...
and of course you!
oh the irony
the reason your meth business gone bad
shed tear
The internet has spoken!
Goddammit Joe.
Posting boobs on hugelol
Happy Bird Hey
Not Very Whimsical.
One Cocaine please.
Red riding da' hood
asians will know..
does he look like a ***?
Google, no.
just girly things
he grow up to become his hero
Gandalf the Gay
That israel bad