I was once in a situation where I needed one, but this is a whole new level

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phrasing anyone?
Hey there....wait... NOPE
all we want is to be respected, that's all
***obots *** out.
Meanwhile at ubisoft HQ
Just makes life so much better
friendzoned again
He didn't stick around.
True dat
"My husband died and I found out he had another family" Yes, the box (husband) is being questioned
Girls on Facebook when their parents don't give them what they want
edited*. Someone thinks he's creepy
Kung fu baby
OP moms be like
...my future
Couldn´t agree more
81 seconds?! I wish I lasted that long on my first time... that is yet to come. :(
Dark Souls III preview released
Goofy, you scurvy dog
summer sale soon
achmed the dead terrorist
Plot Twist: Their son is a Quokka
Mustache problems
Hang in there, Hugelol!
That's my fetish
bring me dat bootee
She wants the T
First world problems plus bonus at the end
that ass
kinda gay shit
these sneaky nigglets
After finally downloading the song I was looking for, after countless remixes and covers
perfect plan what could go wrong?
Homie absorbed all his brother swag in the womb
who knew?
Ugh you don't understand.. It's fashion!
Spot the 2 differences
All he can see are black chicks
Let her drown
The only one who can aim
Jaden knows whats up
They're gonna get their asses whipped, but guess who
seems like grammar nazis have to confront their cousins now
This is fake because irl I would not care.
Your inspiration quota for today
Saul goodman knows his shit.
when you just can't anymore
thas some deep shit
You´re so deep, man
Well, you got me there.
My first post. I swear it's original
The new Mario Kart is looking really promising.
Chemistry 101
And the LORD doth said "dunketh upon those niggas, because they know not what they do" Exodus 4:20
"jelly fishing"...
Wat is dis
The Red Copter of Dorne
Me as a non-GoT fan yet when seeing GoT posts
After making a racist post
He's the cousin... and the Red God!
Its all clear now
Should have worn a helmet
Damn, that's impressive
Our Lord and saviour #swagrid
street fighter saving the day....(sauce in the comments guys.)
True love
This is why Bill Murray is awesome
The Saxophone Horse is truly a work of art.
Spidey decided to join SWAT instead of The Avengers.
you know what it's going to be..
Don't freak out, but there's a ginger in the water with you
Misunderstood G. R. R. Martin
Poor reverse centaur!!
If it's stupid, but you're right, it's not stupid
Achievement unlocked: secret entrance
Meh, I've had worse
Yep sums it up
Well... Happy Birthday!
I Like Big Butts.
The world economy
Thats deep
Fun Fact: #6
Would have the movie way better.
When you get the boost at the start of a race
they really have advanced movie effects these days.
At least he didn't kill them.
True faceswap art
Now you can poop anyway you want!
You Da Real MVP
Mind blowing episode tho...
Maybe if he could wear a helmet
I like that too.
Never apologize.
Wibble her wobbly
Showing your fetish to your friends