Dogs.. the best friends of humans


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Not AS Cute
IPhone 9
Le me doing a class presentation in lower school
Pug is very confused..
Sneezing While Taking A sh*t
Satan's deal
Now that's a Haunted House
Gay friendzoned
Steak and Blowjob Day
It's a good video, though
Because f*ck you, that's why
Lazyness is the mother of progress
Most of the times that idiot will be me
And thus ended piracy
Good dog
And i'm stickin to it
This always seem to happen to me
Didn't have to wipe the seat that day!
Please tell me..
And DJ
Just call her babes
Worth it
I guess Pete was best
I have no words for this
Walking Skill: over 9000!
Im cold too
The best gif known to mankind
What show is this from
Nobody likes milhouse
This guy is watching too much wrestling
Best face swap
The "Last Person Standing" situation
Facebook fail
I'm buying you, i'm buying this place, i'm buying all this sh*t
Bad luck
Very helpful, Siri
Everytime I see my crush im like...
The pit of doom...
Religious logic courtesy of a friend from the UK.
Dinner for the first time with the girlfriend's family.
Usual day on LoL.
"Celebatory fisting? No? Okey, fine then".
Facebook pictures nowadays
Skyrim #1 - Horse
In soviet russia
At least they were honest.
No spine for you, sir!
Minecraft #1 - Why dog, why?
The circle of life...
It's possible
Minecraft #2 - Sand ceiling
Afroman and Snoop Dog Share A Train
Every time i apply deodorant.
Thanks Darwin!
IT service.
So true :/
Like a boss with luck
F*ckin' paper clip guy.
When one window just isn't enough
What 100 People Collectively S'hitting Their Pants Looks Like
Need an exorcism here!
Ive wondered.
Shower stupidity - happened this morning
Guinness: Deal with it.
Drunk bus is drunk
I don't wanna live on this planet anymore...
Mitt's new fb album
Meanwhile in Chessland
PS2 + PS1 = PS3 Problem son?
Oh the irony...
Those f*cking sparkly vampires...
Looking at the exam questions, realizing you're screwed
Ladys and Gentlemen, this is my cat -_-
F*ck you physics
Trolling human
Bad day
Apple logo explained.
That's so funny!
Cat ppl can relate
I'm so confused right now
Explains why when I ring my bank I am kept waiting!
When You Find A Bus In GTA
When life gives you lemons...
Krusty Krab IRL
This would make going to the airport so much more entertaining.
This is What Liking Your Own Posts Looks Like
Nigga stole my tv