Bob Ross knowledge


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Traditional Broke Dating
The teacher's pet
"Goddamnit Karl."
The real hunger games
This response couldn't be better
So You Have Bought a New MacBook
Oh no! Pls share for jesus or 11 good things will happen at bad timez
Just president things
Playing Cards Against Humanity at Thanksgiving with your gradma has its risks
Meanwhile in New Zealand
Rate my gf
Honest job advertising.
Never forgetti
This year's Home alone marathon. With extra happy endings
This sums up every club on New Year's Eve
Anon fights crime
"I'd smurfing smurf the smurf out of that smurfing smurf!"
Society for asking stupid questions
Please be extra vigilant this Christmas!
Supreme Leader
This pizza delivery driver was in front of me at a red light the other night.
Frosty is a prostitute
Night night
Role Play Gone Wrong
Sister came across this article while preparing for her upcoming job interview.
Back when Spongebob was good.
Turns out Shrek hates it.
What it's like living in the North on this day..
not today mr bond
Placebo Effect
Cat goals
The passive aggression of the Christ
When you realise that it is time for a re-branding
Cop beats black man in New York.
Kim Jong Un enjoying the new movie
Top Shop Presents
To be fair, there were 4 additional minutes
How to receive a one-way ticket to Hell
America in style
"yeah babe. it's kinda tight there"
A moment of silence for those who don't understand what he is trying to do
Every waiter knows
if it fits, it fists
Velma is have none of your vampire bullshit.
Morning After Cat
Comment Lad
Dear Santa....
Demotivational poster
So Hopeful
I'm really glad "Fireplace For Your Home" has subtitles
I nearly died laughing
Today we lost another valuable porn set...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cosplay taken to a whole new level!
When the girl in front of you won't get her hair off your desk
Teenage trees
Dr. Phil
We run a very tight ship
Get it together, menu.
Just Some Casual Reading At The Ball Game
MFW I find a really good song and I have to share it with my wife
Social media in real life
Saying "keep the change" when the item cost 4.99 and you paid with a 5 dollar bill
Can't talk, busy raising sea level
It's super effective
Basically every class during finals.
should be #1 therapy in america and mexico
Should I buy it for my Birthday Party?
Move your lazy ass!
Pony and Bologna
Canadian News Headline
Pubic hares
Why i dont like reflexes
How to troll Youtube staff.
"I can feel your balls"
when you look up during your exam and make eye contact with your teacher.
This pizza place really understands their customers
"Oh, look, you can fit in my dress"
A religious conundrum
Most useless superhero accessory.
I was born with them skills
Kim Jong OK
Canada just freedom'ed harder than the US...
white girls
Working in retail during the holidays
Basically how The Pirate Bay works
Bae Caught Me Slippin
Wow, Cards Against Humanity, that escalated quickly.