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If you see me sh*tposting on this website again, this either means I've lost my part-time job or I've got nothing planned for the week-end.

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Mean Science
Modern Ghosts
Come to the bottom of the ocean in 30 minutes if you want an ass kicking.
Don't lose yourself in Mom's Spaghetti
Take a closer look at that smams !
stop touching yourself fags
I got this, man ! I got this ! I go-
When she wants it but you just masturbated
Don't forget anti-virus though
It's not like feminists are able to do anything else but to block doors
Whites only.
Freaking vegans, mate
A tale from retail
When you wake up during class and the teacher is watching you
Science has gone too far...
give her the dangalang
Doesn't matter, had food
Like, in 'murica
Japs make good observations
Best show ever
Doors. Dangerous things they are.
He probably got suspended for this
He logged into the ice
porn for kids
This hits close to home...
Joe Rogan Is Right
"Name my band, /b/ !"
except for now
allahu akbar
The killer whale dindu nuffin
What to watch...?
Back to school!
the 90's kids' problems
Until John Cena attacked
Fukken savage
***in with "Mermaid Man" too much.
Thats how murica does it
It's happening
First World Problems
When the roast backfires
Jesus got so high he went to heaven
Anon has a psychotic episode
Tumblr in a nuttshell
***in NASA
Meetings? Oh boy...
Just moved into college yesterday... Looks like mom misses me
Public housing
Sure mom
Shitposting Loudly
Children and firearm safety
"All girls dress the same"
You know it's about to get real.
God this movie had some dumb lines but this one made me crack up
When your crazy ex gf suddenly shows up at your place.
I'll explain later...
Still the best Venn diagram
The Joker's Plot
Why I'm not allowed to cook dinner anymore
Royal burns
WANTED: Reward System (serious replies only)
Those ***s.
"Girl, do you live in a tribe ? Cause your parents are f*cking savage !"
When I see upvotes on i_kappa's post
2016 will be okkk
tinder in a nutshell
God's Career
At least they use Camel leather
No One Bats an Eye
Welcome to Australia!
Every single time
That's ignorant!
here's a medium-Rare Pepe
Phantom pain
A flag more American than the American flag.
Could it be...?
A different kind of self esteem
When you miss your chance
we've all been there
The British during their summer.
what do you have to tell me goat
Watching Usain Bolt.
Creepiness While Watching Porn
60% Glorious people
rule 34
*slow clap*
As a teacher, this is a daily occurrence.
Proposed rules of HUGELOL 3.0 - What do you think?
me irl
Fresh ***ing pineapples
That must have been some laser.