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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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best memory i can't remamber
After the revival
I heard the movie was a real hit
Yet another post about OC
the cringe is palpable
When kids don't trust my karate
Japan is weird bruh
so, you are saying there is a chance?
Fashion Face-off
We never just talk anymore
Can we please end all religion posts and make hugelol about the lolz again?
(/) 0w0 (\)
The processor we deserve
Obi-Wan is an ***
This explains a whole lot.
Stock photos are best meme
I understand why your celebrating,but please post actual jokes.
MFW no one mentions spooky skeltals these days
when I post a post
you snooze you lose
they are just jealous
Seems accurate to me.
its always on the last place you look
why you shouldnt spank too hard
I'll choose Ben
Just a lurker having his say
feels bad man
Sick burn
too easy
My reaction to almost every OC out there
Oh anakin
Otto vult!
MRW hugelol is living the Star Wars trilogy
All this OC
The new HL feelings
After the 10000th post about OC, bots and oldfags
when bots become selfaware
Living in Australia
Tit for front page
Some OC for yall
MRW people want to return HUGELOL to glory
When you're an oldfag returning, but you remember that nobody cared about you before either
When you have an older acount than some oldfags but dont't count cause you are mostly just lurking.
This happened a little while ago in Australia.
tastes like sh*t
Oldfags like Germany
we've all been there...
Tfw no traitors reach Frontpage
Just stop the pain!
MRW a dead site is revived by oldfags
Oldfags popping up everywhere ( ಥـْـÙÙ€ÙÙ€Ùـْಥ)
The best OC I can make
You can't stump the Trump
Picture of your Ex
Mfw everybody forgot about our true and beloved savior
Me after revisiting after a week
Me when I find out HL gets more than 2 new posts on FP per day
Don't let this site die again.
We go back to funny Content?
Lemme show u quality memes
"Hey there's OC again... and Wiings is back"
gr8 tr8or m8 i r8 8/8
Realizing Wiings came back to save us from the bots while we thought he was one.
Watching you people actually pull off the cleansing
This one is for you, Dr.Eevee
the best trap card
opening HL after being gone for a week
MFW I get on Hugelol and see Harold is back
Looking through the new posts
When our great lord gets mistaken for someone different
MFW Haroldism's return, my greatest rival
I'll never leave you again my sweet
Is this bread gore or Bread porn ?
MFW Wrecking bots
Me when I see more and more OC
MFW i need people to convert to Gandalfism
Good riddance, you little shits
as an oldfag, witnessing the revival of HL
Oldfags on HL right now
The purest of all Breads
Future kids
The Revolution starts
MFW There's a bot post in the middle of the war
And another one And another one....
TFW Wiings just said "hi"
kicking the bots huh?
This is a war against bots and if you go to war you need armor
Hugelol ATM (Very creative title)
When you have a fieldtrip at 9 but going to meet Erwin Rommel at 10
MFW Eevee comes back
When you realize an oldfag is a 9 gager.
Goddamnit Kylo
Finaly my gender got accepted
>Mfw french baguette masterrace
When a bot posts something decent, but you gotta do the dooty [Fixed]
So I heard old fags are here again
#1 Dad