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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Happy Birthday KatMan!
When you debate a SJW and you get the high ground
Roses are red. This OC is hot.
The fort of virginity
only HL kids will understand
Humble Hugh
R. Kelly's Remix to Ignition, student edition...
Anime Tiddies
just MMORPG things
There was an attempt...
Can't argue with science
This is what you get when you mix Reese's Pieces, M&M's and Skittles. Either pure genius or pure evil.
Whats wrong with society's rules?
downvotes on virals
And then Jesus sent Judas to the Gulag
suicide is also a need
Familiar shadow.
poor Old Man Jenkins
I shall avenge the Jerkspam with shitposts like never before
Ruh roh.....
Either way it solve my financial problems...
How it feels to chew 5 gum
So how do I get in?!
if there's only 2 genders then explain this
A baklava wearing a balaclava while playing a balalaika on black lava
Bark Sidious
Anon has a rival
Books are always optimistic.
Selfishness at its finess
Come where it's better, down where it's wetter...
Gamer Mom: Then vs Now
The path of transcendence
Make sure equipment is grounded
His face though...
This dude on Facebook said he's been waiting 4 hours for the P to fall so he could sue Walmart
Every Hugeloler today
My mom found this school paper I wrote when I was 8...
When you have plans
My friend's kid is pretty smart.
A wild frogger appears!
Deep Thinking.
... And there's a difference
Anon eats baking soda
Get em paps!
i dont remeber this from Lazy Town
Even bathroom handwashes are telling me to visit a psychiatrist
Best Game 2017
February 15th: Annoy Squidward Day
Dad is going to be happier
I've taught my G/F well!
When you have the mentality of a 14 year old
Go to the Grand Canyon they said, enjoy the view they said.
Vertical? Get outta here with your weak ass selfie game
Listen to the Quads OP.
It's good to be da king!
How did India learn to launch 104 satellites at once?
Just Google Maps
Happy sad
What happens next will shock you...
Goddamnit Steve
Bloody hands and all
No date for valentines day? Don't worry, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Happy Valentine's Day from Utah DOT!
There are local babes in our area!
you can't get banned for racism, if you use the term "N-word"
Internet these days
Valentines day card from a student.
You're a normie harry
If you ever feel bad just remember...
how dare you
angel bully
Racist guy manspreading on bus.
How they must've come up with viral
Stranger handed me this today
I fuvking knew Melania wasn't born a woman!
The userbase right now
Somebody that I used to know
saw a guy hauling ass in the mcdonalds drive through
No one is safe...
Yay, another valentines without a valentine
Sadly HL has no friends (OC)
when someone dislikes your favorite Digimon
what kind of doggo is this
When 1 of your 10 bad shitposts reaches front page(loud)
So I saw this parked in front of work when I was leaving....
The game of LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
"I have a friend who insisted on dressing up like a clown for his family pic back when he was like 8 and it's my favorite picture ever."
Through space and time
When Admins destroy the community to get more $$$
the more you know
Now lets get some titanium white, and we'll build ourselves a happy little wall
You'll never win again Lord Cripplus
Always read the subtitles...
That cool mom who drove a minivan and always bought beer for us