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This description has to be short and funny, just like your penis.
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Would love me some Chlorox and chill
Edups X Franku
Matte Damon
50 Shades Darker
Nasa should hire her
it was regular ass wheat til he hit that tailslide
For when you need to hide out in that forest fire you totally didn't start.
After opening all the windows for the first time this year...
Could there be a better name for a waste management company?
Better rethink that, tiny-arms.
The reason zombies are always sad.
This new "kids" game at the arcade.
Have hipsters gone too far?
I hate how true this is
Seymour Asses
Anons parachute fails
Can you hear me now?
Not again
Mitch Hedburg would appreciate this
Doing stuff around the house this weekend..
Thirsty Hoes
Arriving home stoned af
The next Yoga move we will review is the "Where should I send the child support check to?"
1 like = 1 prayers
Somehow I'll make a man out of you
Pls dont
GF said I should make two trips.
50 shades darker
Something went wrong.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
Of course, I want to ford the river
When will our boys come back from the war
OK, maybe I will actually.
Life isn't always hard. Sometimes it's soft and flaccid
Dr. Dinosaur Just Calls It Like He Sees It..
Important call
Suicidal depression doesn't count
Tits vs grades
r e l a t a b l e
Modern Cosplay
If rome was built in a day
Online Dating explained in Planet Earth
A terrifying scene
Well played anon
Selling stuff on Craigslist
If I told you the animal in the picture was a gorilla, would I be lion?
mrw i see viral posts
This is what I desire the most
Sounds about right
When you're DJ at a normieee party and the crystall meth starts to kick in
Absolute enlightenment
Newfags will never know the struggle we had with Shafdude
Those twins made my day :)
So here's a hundred.
Being doctor is hard
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is not what we mean by the term "reinventing the wheel"
At least we got the memes, right?
The infinite spectrum of profanity.
star wars now and then
Minnie Mouse is afraid of mice
When you're bored at work
Your Very Pissed Neighbors
Changing My Name
Friends are the best....
My town put in awesome new bike racks
Slow D
Home Slice.
Just moved to a new house, we found a gem behind the refrigerator
Only six years old and already setting goals.
Never trust group chats.
"Do I get an A?"
pornography harms
Why the chicken commited the crime?
They must have hired my grandfather in their marketing department
83 people found this helpful
You are not a movie fan unless you've seen these
Still training to be a Podracer
kyro practor
When you upvote a post that has -7 points
A delicious part of an alternatively balanced diet
My wife's Hawaiian panorama shot of her dad didn't turn out as expected
MRW I've been lurking w/out an account for 4 years and I see users with "4-Year Club" achievement
This guy gets it. Keep the Scots out.
A fine tuned machine...
"Im getting tired i need to refuel"
You know. That makes a lot of sense.
Can it be
Today in History
true romance
What having a girlfriend is like
The shame won't come off