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We must exterminate the Xeno, the Mutant, the Heretic and the damn Bots.
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Why has the world forsaken me
Behold the field
Mega rare
If you listen to Nickelback there is help out there for you
Facebook is that you?
Looking at meta memes.
There's a anti-wihitebones campaign in asia.
No title needed...
Stolen :^)
jar jar is my favourite character from star trek
In my defense, I was super hung over
I am one of them
Radical Judaism
How it all started
My daughter handed me this note at bedtime. I think this means she loves us?
living on the edge
Excuse me while I delete my account
She would have got him too
Mfw i can't play with her bananakin
From a funny website
funny how Nespresso's coffee descriptions could just as easily apply to farts
How original, Tuck
When i need to think of a title for a shitpost
Who Leads The Red Army Just Under The Sea?
Steve Harvwarts
My friend is a zookeeper. This is one of her friends hanging out in her car on her break.
Not that bad
The answer to everyone's question.
HL admins few days after introducing viral
Kids do silly things
When your cat realizes that you're in the bathroom without them.
Such a wise man..
Wish some one felt the same way about me as my friends dad feels about this big ass sandwich he just made.
What are the odds?
This cat taking a bath.
These carts are public domain Ricky
Someone in the Platteville Library in Wisconsin has a great sense of humor...
Can't post dank memes on my Insta so I'll drop them here
I hope there's a security camera to record all of it
Interesting looking dog..
A young gentleman reacts to Tomi Lahren's Oscar coverage.
Comic Con ?
Bad Moonlight rising
Just did a quick google search to learn why everyone was talking about La La Land
My kind of workout
Doggo has swag
Lets Keep This Our Secret
Day 46: The family still suspects nothing and accepts me as a good boy
My local library's opinion on the Oscar mess up
Executing order 66 tomorrow at school
Zoom in
Chill not Found
Is this mature content?
The post to end all the shitposts.
Double Profit
Bad days in a nutshell
don't fake it if you can't take it
Snake lives matter
I think I'll live.
Hugelol lately
Look, we know you're going to throw it.
An eyeglass store in Xi'an, China
Sleeping is for the weak... and sane
Something something autistic something something
And this is the end of the meme
Our fam M. Night Smhimalabadingdong got us
Explaining The Superbowl to the British.
you can`t
I'm still wondering what they're squawking about.
Brought to you by yours truly, MS Paint
Trust me, I'm an architect
This building looks like it was hit by a Creeper
some things are better left unknown
the ultimate master race
Abe Simpson was right. I'm only 37
Dammit Steve.
Anon is behind on schoolwork
Handy nightlights for your kids they said
I Love Nuclear Chess!!
A Brief History on the leaders in WW2
the future is now old man (very creative title xd)
Breakfast bad
Deadpool just gets it.
Must please Zulthar
A will to live sounds too good to be true...
Why she's mad??
It was a good day..........
When LaLa Land thought they had the oscar
His dad just realized his son is gay.
say woke #conspiracy #truth
How should I call this post?
Went to Taco Bell drunk. Asked for a "shit ton" of fire sauce. They gave me a ***ing bag full. I'm so happy.
Nothing has changed.
Nadia is one spicy doggo