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Your #567th source for Shitposts and Occasional Edgy Shit which will probably get banned by the admins. Also considered a fa ggot Genji Main.

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Truly Enlightening
The El Arroyo sign's mic is on.
Anon wants to know how anime was made
Specal illusion Pepe
Ahhh puns
Redneck issues
I hear they have WMBries too
Being completely honest with yourself...
The ACTUAL Harold and Kumar
Back from ban is dis still a thing?
Seize those means!
Not deal with it
I forgot about the wine in the freezer
"Hey guys, we're getting a dog! Isn't that great?"
took it very seriously!
Friend's son had to write some sentences yesterday...
I'm not saying we need an Exterminatus but those heretics aint gonna nuke themselves.
Took a quick snap from a book my girlfriend was reading.
The Americans are asleep, quick post real German beer
Shia in the near Future
Dad's feeding their babies
Never forgetti
I think they aged pretty well
These Twins
Shia LaBeouf
My neighbor's satellite dish looks like it's giving someone the finger.
Why I pay with paypal ?
And the world was saved
Probably repost, but still good.
HL in the current year
Hey cat
This one is hard
Seems like the best job for me
Beni, bidi. bici
Sorry for posting your pic, Dad
my bets on the guy with the awkward smile
Froggo also a badass
God dammit, God!
Just you wait.
{why not} I shall try this tonight
Sieg heil
Just trying to make ends meet
Beating the system
Man selling "friendship bracelets" on the beach in Thailand.
I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding here
In the local bar
My dad just walked in and taped this to my door
TV Resolutions Explained.
c o r r e c t
I say when, robot.
Possessed cat
Can't wait to cash this bad boy in. Drinks on me tonight everybody! Happy Friday!
watch out
Seeing Clearly
It's bring your own cup day at 7/11
Best graffiti ever.
01101001 01101101 00100000 01100111 01100001 01111001
Friend spotted this whilst traveling round Thailand
Flashback Friday
Paramedics really are trained for everything
So this girl I know has green hair and.......
Job well done, drugs
Top 10 anime fights
What a masterpiece
Every Friday morning
Kermit the Frog finally located in Costa Rica!
Dark but accurate
Some day robots will watch this GIF and laugh.
Cheers mate
Unwashed Dishes...
PS1 Hagrid vibes
His letters were probably shit anyways
Best friend.....
"You have to see this picture", my student said with the biggest smile in the history of the world. This is a picture of me and the picture he showed me.
How do lesbians have sex?
98% of people get this wrong
Sign in England after the recent attacks
friday mood
loved doing this as a kid!
Good luck and god speed brah!
"What is a good boy?"
Poor Pooh
When you're in the middle of an exam and the teacher is explaining something to someone
Kids are smarter than we give them credit for being.
97% of people get this wrong!
99% of people get this wrong!
This is how I'm gonna go
Respect for Pepe team 6
Schumer Dilemma
Where in the world is my my physics teacher?
Plants have feelings too!
My 7th grade Chemistry exam responses
Pokemon vs Digimon
hate when that happens :/
Escape, you shall not
Euro 2016...