Not all heroes wear capes. Never forget the important people at Christmas.

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He Knows When You Are Sleeping...
My friends Prince inspired Christmas tree
Engine at work
Cool brother
boxing ball z
You see that guy over there...?
Inappropriate sheet of music is inappropriate
The Socratic Method, AKA Jon Snowing
I’m Batman
Lol...c'mon man!
Well crap.
Hide the Sharpie.
Food piramid btw
20% of women are lying.
A true warrior
Halo Kitty 3
this is too much
Time Person of the Year - Netflix Skip Intro
Canadian Road Rage
ham starr
Such a loli day
Leaked scene
Josh is getting coal this year
Watching my parents farm for the weekend... Note from my mom.
Technically I'm dead inside so...
Randomly placed in a petting zoo
Smash their skulls on our tummies
Could this be the god himself
When life gives you Slap-on's!
top 10 anime battles
British vandalism at its best
Happens quite often
Christmas graphics have really changed over the last 20 years. 1997 vs 2017
A joke book from 1940, And it was pure savage
When Mom Knows How to Trim :p
Biggest photobomb in history
Save the plants
current state of affairs
This is black humor. I'm on the top 10 list
When your country laws allow you only one plant.
There is always a dog that will spoil the photo
I should learn the accent first before I decide to be enlisted.
He got this
My grandpa sends me this every time I'm on my phone next to him
David needs to calm down a bit
"Own A Piece of Your Childhood"
No thanks, I won't be opening that
I'll take "Nicknames for My Penis" for $300
Vlad the Impaler discovers marshmallows
haha girlfriend.
“For Christmas, I would like a new ball and a smoking jacket, and I’d like to remind you of all the times I warned you about incoming people to the yard.”
Just another day at the office...
Youtube gems 38
“Does he bite?” — — “No, but he judges you”
I’m not quite sure Fox News thought this graphic through...
Allll aboard
I'm sure it's legit
Help. Me.
Guy in my town really knows how to decorate for the holidays.
Ms. Moore I give you 1/2 a star.
They didn’t think that through.
The truth hurts!
Best hidden easter egg
A bitter man’s dying wish
Always check the number
Dear Santa... it was worth it...
How different snowfall amounts affect different regions of the USA
Go replay Fallout instead of buying Battlefront II
Lest we forget, this guy was defending the Homeland from terrorism 30 years ago
Wendy's dishing out grilled meat
It Could Only Happen In Russia
Happiness and Holidays
Why I trim my pubes.
The Best Full Page Ad Ever
The downside of having terrible eyesight
Day 11 : Let there be ants
When the teacher leaves and the whole classroom starts copying off each other.
Loan Wolf
The depressed cat on this off-brand cat food
Please stop bullying him
I was disappointed that it wasn't raining
Chad Republik
Understandable Miscommunication
crossover episode
Mommy's lil Monster meets Santa & Krampus
This is what I see when I wakeup...