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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Now we are thinking with...........
In a parallel universe
Get the f*ck off the stage!!!
He is going to destroy dat pussy
Poor guy/girl
Best photobomb ever
Story of HUGELOL
Everything is okay
"It's like someone just ironed the logo."
4chan killing two birds with one stone :D
Bieber stahp!
Mother of God!
Brian's aunt maybe.
Invisible Door
At least I tried...
Is your joke still funny now ?
A bit windy
Female logic
Your post was so stupid, the wasp commited suicide
Must have sounded amazing.
Wow, what an acroba -- oohh.
Now thats a weapon!
Holy sh*t that's sour!
There's no stopping them now.
You shall not pass!
Who wants that anyway?
That's mean!
I dont like bananas and melons
His brains are literally popping out. [guy in the background]
My f*cking Hero
Never understood the appeal
I admit that there is Comic Sans.
Well that escalated quickly...
The iCat
Because.. Physics
Do not mess with the crows!
Kitty, look out!
Simpsons Logic...
God damn It Jesus.
Yolocaust! Please!
Almost Mac Gyver
My brain... it hurts!
F*ck the police!
Well... that escalated quickly
So easy!
Mafia Wars..
That moment...
Seriously, Please Do.
Monkey Security System
OH sh*t, that not Craig
We all watch it for the...
Shadow, why...
Easy to say, but hard to do yourself.
Porm (:
Meh... I've seen worse.
You'll Regret It
Who Ya Gonna Call?
How I feel after a successful paper toss
Troll science
My scanner stabbed me once....
No offense, but....
Atrocity of war (cat version)
Oxygen thief.
Ain't nobody got time for that
Some moves you wanna know in case you get attacked!
Ohhh too bad...
Well that was unexpected
I don't even.
The secret is out
Wizard problems
My first post :D
Trolling aquaman
What i think about this new meme, made this myself.
Every f*cking time.
Saved it.... that was a close one
Still watching this for hours
Smart, Mr. Potter
Japan has the best game shows
A Realization has occured!
Blasted technology!
My legs wont qwoperate
Aw sh*t!
Lets agree, to disagree...wait