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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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It's been days...
You need a ***ing lion
Pets are the best!
Words to live by...
Your friend may be an alcoholic if this happens.
the lawbreaker
Coming babe
May or may not do this
Give this mans a medal
Flower logic
Infinite Power
They're red
When you tell your friend to discretely check dat fine booty
Lol. Enjoy. :)
Sh*t has hit the fan
I love the “let’s corrupt childrens colouring books” that people do
Hidden flask
Well... this changes things
cat is surprised.
he got me
Common mistakes we make in everyday life
"Alright Pikachu, I choose you!"
Swords of the world
Oh look, alcohol
When the dwarf rolls 20 on perception
No one: Calvin Klein ad:
Carl sent a messenger for you
Mean neighbor
Visitor !
New lease on life
Isn’t nature beautiful
Ever see a wad of raccoons?
Got him back
All the lil shits went off to ForkKnives
Welp..... Cannot deny that
cap being cap
Husbands should take note
Boop got your nose
More calculation needed
Another classic
Ironic humor in a wrinkle of time
Genius design
The Krusty Krab Pizza is the Pizza
When Satan itself is your barista.
He faked his own deaf
On the hunt
What a mad lad
Wholesome fap
Nom Nom!!
I agree with post on this one
These should be on all cars
exploring Slavic world
Well it didnt end that well
I thought this woman was staring at me for like 5 minutes before I realized it was a magazine
It's very versatile
My local barbers humour is on point
Love that lady
Took me a bit of time to get it right
I’d watch all day
Trolled we were
he crab walks to your destination
Elves Presley
Sadness never ends fo the Batman..
How I wish
Always after me luck charms.
title interesting An
Damnit Cody
Ten outta ten
ravioli ravioli
Curious cows about their newest family member
That's almost above sea level
Most relationships
Life well spent.
I don't know, can you?
Climax and see you max
The Burger Alignment chart
Roses are red, end of humanity is near
Sometimes I look at my child and wonder if hes secretly ugly haha
Fat whale
Fire is the answer
Second round of the elections
Spider killing machine
evolution karma
Not everyday you see a sea turtle with an attitude....
Questionable design
You need more than one measurment for accuracy
Told Domino's to put a joke on the box..
Why is she upset though
Who would think that
t h a t e x p l a i n s a l o t