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Threat Of Mom
d o n k e y m e m e
If 15+ years give you Han Solo, I guess my wife figures 25+ allows her to freak me out with a Xena in the shower. Scares me EVERY TIME.
Someone at General Mills should get a big fat raise. I had to take a picture of the box. Hilarious!
My dad sent me this a few weeks after a fishing trip, cracked me up
Well played
walked right into that imperial ambush
When Storm Brendan hits...
Living the good life
Next level confidence!
Confused cat. 10 year old cat we adopted after being caged for almost two years since no one would take him. He started chasing this mouse but I think the mouse won...
Amazon vs Wish
Proud mother of three kids and one hard-working modem.
Cheems is god
There are some advantages to being married for 15+ years. Like you can scare your wife with the cardboard figure you found buried in the garage that she bought you five years ago.
How'd she get her forehead in someone else's profile pic
A little flood can't stop our soccer banquet
: (
doctor, why can i feel both hands on my shoulders?
modern day socrates
La creazione di Adamo / The Creation of Adam
Sorry yall
This is my new favorite coffee shop.
Prank your neighbors by going to jail
Top 10 alternatives to vaping
His mom still cuts his hair
US Map
Someone doesn't like their neighbour very much.
Found this sign on my way to work.
I wanna know the story
Every night I’m haunted
I made a promise to myself a week ago that no matter what I’d draw a grumpy animal every single day this year. it’s day 7 and I alarm myself
The other side of the thought
Gender wage gap in real life
If we all just work together...
Making a positive change
This tree has a quest for you.
Funny conversion rate
Not Wholesome
Be prepared... or don’t. Either way
There's no way hes getting this one
highlight of my work day
Soon my Love... Soon
I've won, but at what cost?
Staying true
Land Of Fire
God's surveillance cameras
There is safety in numbers
8-bit cheems
Interesting map
Bathroom in Swiss gas station I stopped at
Google's algorithm blurred this cat's face...
You know, I'm something of a fitness myself.
Here is an inbread dog.
man I love fishing
I'm feeling uncomfortable...
This is green wizard Pepe 1like=1 magic tendie for you
Eden's garden
Zeno's turning in his grave
Great Collaboration
Day 6 of my pledge to draw one grumpy animal every day for the rest of this year
They might wanna change the positioning
A business dedicated to accuracy.
I believe it...
A Catastrophy
The language of Gods
Pls love me
Not all hero's wear capes.
GTA loading screen but with images from WikiHow
I'd drink that
At least they died for "freedom"
The best yearbook quote
Best one I’ve seen yet
First post! Hope it's not a repost.
Painting drama
Another 3 hours and I have to go back to sleep again
don't overcomplicate it. Escape the city, eat/drink healthy, have babies.
My brother as a toddler is realizing how much it all just ***ing sucks
What kind of question is that?
Yeah damn it john
The Chick-Fil-A I work at
Bubblicious :-)
Barry considered himself a problem solver, a clever man, he would find a way out of this predicament...
You can't spell indie without die
Nudists are stoned at the beach