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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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Those are the fries we're looking for.
How I walk after smoking weed
Thanks Obama
F*ck your life
Thor, Son of Odin.
Theft prevention
But where is his gun?
I feel sorry for him...
When a post makes me really laugh
Problem I have when visiting family in the states
Smart guys these horses
Every day I'm shuttling.
Awesome taxi driver
World battleground.
Billie Jean through the years
I want it
Staring problem
Ohhhhh Stevie Wonder
The domestic cat is well-known for it's lightning-fast reflexes.
This is just too much
Hahhh America!
Demetri Martin Compilation
Like I give a sh*t
I forgot how to woman
Helping your friend during exam
Spongebob Buffpants
Seriously stop!
Someday i guess
Yes u are ...
Balls experiment
The dad deserves to die
What in the...
B*tch, I'm fabulous
Good guy Jack
We are family....!!
Just playing Oblivion when...
Okay....enough Acid for today.
Last day in school
Watch your fish.
20 years old and still get that feeling
Bo Burnham
Where can you buy this dvd?
Without mask
Me and Joe Biden on a friday.
Old school gamers will know
Having Fun on google
Give this man a medal.
Internet's Final Boss
Looks nice
Oppan baby style
Some thugs just want to watch the world learn
And you know it
Optical illusion
What magic is this?
The white house... *sigh*
Law abiding citizens
Tell em nigga...
Science has brought us so far. You can dance stupid without spilling your beer.
Jackie Chan's Point of View
How people on HL view reposts
Spidey in public restrooms.
This would have been hilarious!
Ice breaking
Telling it like it is.
Crazy girl in love on Facebook
Now that's my type of party :D !
Make it stop!
Hey guys, why did you brake that door? let's build it back up
How does it feel to be a female engineer
Cursor disco. What are you waiting for?!?
Nothing has ever not happened as much as this has not happened.
In soviet russia...
Ohh, the old times
The parents are waiting exam results...
Piece of cake
Slumber Party Court; now in GIF style!
Still my favorite halftime moment
GTFO, Florida!
No, just no.
Spongebob logic strikes again!
Me on a bad day
Don't know why this made me laugh so much.
When People Call Me a Nerd
Guess that it's me.
The truth hurts
After a long night of heavy drinking...
So much love for this one gif.
Awesome Banana Art
The best moment of the superbowl.
Shut up and take my money!
When someone steals your joke.