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Hugelols Minister of OC
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It was time to update the sign.
New year's resolutions
Entauri outfit reveal
the firefighter
He's unfortunate
“We can repair anything”
Ultimate dad joke?
Damn, I think I missed a miracle.
I don’t think he has heard of second covid
From our local dairy farm.
Anon has gains
The moon is huge tonight wtf
Prolly the best Photoshop i've ever done
My new years resolution is to get fit
Old news
There are two types of people in the world
Lucky ***
He´s back y´all!
Someone Bonk me please
el titelo de posto
feign ignorance
Gud doge
Sometimes I really wonder if we are in a comedy show of an alien tv...
Proper way to quarantine
o>o whats this
This Porta Potty Cleaning truck.
Anon braps
One of these elves is not the same
I live with....
Someone is gonna die and he doesn't know yet
I like those odds
Don't forget to update your Euro notes
My cat started doing some Gymnastics
This kid is the worst.
Soy chorizo!
Somethings not right with my Frozen book
Never Fans
So my dog likes to stand like this when he is startled
I didn’t know the first part, but the second part is intuitive.
I wonder what kind of stuff one has to go through to write a book like this
Best tool indeed
Let your sister drive they said. It'll be fun they said.
My fiancé and I have a system, I eat the chocolate waffers and I save him the cream so he can make these monsters
His mom cut his bangs.
shittiest company on the planet
Ah, Kaboom KABOOM!
Hey, what's wrong with my cat?
My daughter got a ring light for Christmas. Are we using it right?
Hindsight 2020
For 2021 I got myself a calendar with daily *** quotes. Here’s to day one!
I ordered a laser engraver in October, it finally came in.
When September Ends
We're even now, ***.
IRS, open up!
Thanks uncle sam
Good news, bad news
Sing it together...
You’re welcome
Just kickflip it
My first run of 2021.
Walmart has a plan for your $600 stimulus check!
Pigeon 12 pro max
Volunteers needed
I work at a hotel and found this on an empty pizza box.
In local news
Very family oriented
Lets try our best ^_^
Another year as the last unmarried in the family.
Look at dem artifacts on the bars
Stay home
I saw Morgan Freeman in Mexico today. The pandemic hit us all
Thinking the wife had a bit too much to drink last night, found this in the fridge this morning
I won’t name names but looks like SOMEONE ate their mom’s lipstick
History books in the future.
This is what happened last night
*** 2020! 2021 takeover!
Last post of 2020 was dissing the UK, first post of 2021 is dissing the US. Prosit!
you must respect the classics
Well played Google
Doing gods work
Accurate I have an FN 5.7 and this is true AF
What a attractive ?
Nerf plz
Work tomorrow
Give me a chance you dick