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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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Did I do it right?
mobile games
Prepare yourselves for a very stupid meme about hair
Thank God for Serena Williams
This plumber's rates
haha not for long
zero two of the pool
I work for a scooter company, and need to retrieve this one in order to proceed with my route...
Idk about you but I find my morning alarms pretty funny yet quite effective
Dogs and animals alike!
They probably gonna invite her to their birthday party idk
Döner macht schöner!
Sniper's sight, my foot.
red black and white kinda sus
Ah yes relatable cute girl with depression and anxiety
Simply spelling suspicious syllables silently
anons can be creative sometimes
The 80's were a crazy time
Smart child
My Diamonds NO
There may be one country who loves America more than America loves America
Damn can't read the word coming without experiencing massive cоck erection
Even fast internet doesn't make this OK.
I have no such weaknesses
seriously you shouldn't expect a console outperform your pc
The 2 types of hikers
Dont spread toxicity on the internet
Yes I am very helpful
DD/MM/YYYY 24 hours
Tell me your name,I will rate your masculinity-femininity
that's impressive
Had to add a little more stuff in to fit ‘weeb culture’
Except crying
Donald Trump rallying the people of America against count Dracula
Anyone else can relate?
Chad Batman Immune to Yo Mama Jokes
Nothing less than a war crime
On 9/11/2001, exactly 20 years ago two planes crashed into the World Trade Centers, killing thousands of people
Weekly Contest #132 - Mafia/Organized Crime History
Sasuke’s Decisions
Thank you past self
We just aren’t, don’t try to compare us.
Yea, I sort by controversial
Can’t stop me now
Light Novel readers: my pain is still far greater than yours
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 433 ✓
Eh it happened
Something something door, baldrick.
This meme is based on a true story
This is why budget cosplays are the best
Anime teachers.
Use condoms and no loud moaning after 9PM
Any thoughts?
All allies matter
Sign tonight at Waffle House in Blue Ridge Ga.
Don’t know what that makes
Just stalked my high school crush again.. Im 29 now
Im totally not one of them
Duolingo doesnt play around
The United States Army arrives back home after their affairs in Honduras
"Sticking to your muskets"
A customer walked in to my store wearing this.
Enjoy this information
Wait a ***ing ***
Your next task is to not mention how dark it is at 5pm for the next 3 months.
Some of it could be back in style by now actually…
We are humans too you know.
We love you, dangerous volcano park
I’m glad I had a good education
Boku no Piko
even my casserole tin is a socialist
If this doesnt stop climate change, idk what will
In the middle of Antarctica you can only go North.
Sorry babe. The Shreklace stays on during sex.
Happiest Family in Anime-verse.....
Silly Hats
Home improvement is like:
Dude literally hauling ass
“First they took your daylight, next they’ll take your freedom”
A faint smell of sulfur is there
I am crushed.
Duct Tales
What color is her hair?
i wish there were more watermarks
Need stormtroopers on every movie set to ensure gun rounds never hit anyone again
Screw splitting the Republican vote! The Bull Moose rises!
The beginning of the collapse of Sweden