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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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This has definitely awakened something in me
really who?
That’s something, right?
Anime vs Netflix Be like...
The piss shiver
I learned how to speak sugondese so I could move to sukapon but unfortunately I caught ligma
At this point I'm too afraid to ask why
Agreed agreed
Does Pacific know about this?
i did find a collar with my name tho
This was ironically taken from Facebook
Konosuba in a nutshell
You know you've done it
As long as you pay
Every introvert's nightmare
Ooh an inflatable Christmas tree
I literally wish I was never born
Kim Kardashian poses for Paper magazine
You're a thicc one, Mr. Grinch
In response to my oh-so controversial post where I deleted the UK, I got only kept the ones people like
Intelligence level: 0
An oldy but goody.
I'm not complaining.
AmErIcA bAd
The Cambodian Genocide
Grandma knows best!
the greatest question of all
Hear me out but
Boys and their time travel
This scene hits really hard
Using memeatic is a new low for me
Oi there mate, dis is abschewlutely schewpid innit?
Landlord dropping some nostalgic info
Plot twist: I’m a teacher
"just another 2 minutes"
Being the best
got something to talk about ig
ew british
Just hold on for your life
Let me know if you have info
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 461 ✓
i'll go with 1
Search your heart me boy, you know it to be true.
your mom
Who would to be fair?
Is the threat real?
What are they celebrating?
Vietnam war be like
Not a pleasant surprise
I understand you Americans now
Gotta smooth out that popcorn texture
I can't take the game seriously when it happens
My cat Ziggy every time I open the pantry…
Introvert very much
Drem Yol Lok, Fahdon.
I'm the latter & proud of it
She was on his mind though
It’s a rare breed
That manga hurt me bro
i don't rlly skip opening but my freind does a lot to avoid spoilers
Shoot or shank
The Not Hobbit
Americans discovering kettles (1891 .
Time saving method.
Ernesto CHE Guevara and his illegitimate children. 1960.
Bonks only go up mom
The One Where Everyone Swaps Genders
Is this true in todays society?
Jeff Bezos meeting the employees of the first Amazon Warehouse
Well...are you?
Making friends 101
Ross Cage
office work in a nutshell
Is there something wrong with me
Can't we a just get along?
i enjoy vidgames
So glad I didn’t see it.
Went to get Starbucks this morning and saw that they had turkey on the menu.
Low quality gang rise up
Well which is it ?
Meta Discussion Thread #26
Long Lost Twin
Guide to the holidays
And they usually don't even take money for it...
Not cool, Santa
See that's it
stolen, just like the scarf, wallet, phone, watch, hat, jacket
First unsuccessful attempt of Dr. Emmett Brown' time machine travel. 1981.
It honestly ain’t difficult
Sort by Controversial
Outstanding move
Not the playlist we needed, but the playlist we deserved
Ponder Wars
His art is timeless, though