Disco who?


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Remember when he was a jackass?
I want to play a game with you...
I laughed so hard at this...
Peter it's ok
I move to the beat.
B*tch, gtfo i've got math to do
Pretty much sums up my life.
Guys, we have to totally rethink our escape strategy.
Ghost-anus has a point
They really should.
Hell on Earth
When gf got some kinky idea during sexytime
This is Deliciously racist.
They see me rollin'....
How low can you go?
I got this sh*t
Who would that be?
It's just that powerful ...
We meet again...
Love me some Quadra kills
When you arrive too late at a party...
When I can't remember something and I suddenly realise it.
That's how you spend them
Good friends, you say? ;)
Subtlety: it's not for everyone!
The Empire is coming
Art? This is art!
Mother of Cosplay!
Oh, Tumblr...
Always wear a cap when being at a firing range. Bullet casings are fukken hot.
Bad luck
The only guy I could think of while seeing this ...
Who wouldn't want to explore this?
Epic wife prank
Soo hardcore
Realistic Powerpuff Girls
How to choose which OS to use
Just a flesh wound
That's a bike cover
On Top!
I wonder why.
If you're not Hitler, you have no right to judge Hitler
Leaked photos of the PS4
Grandpas first internet time
'dem russians
You're dead, bro..
Just passing through
Thanks traffic light, you're too kind
True that
Too forward ?
Well....you can't blame him.
When Google Maps isn't working and my wife asks me if I know where I'm going
It's like he waited his whole life for this moment
U so funny
Even youtube does it.
Take that, Atheists!
And kids , this is how torrents work ...
Never go to bed angry...
Oh well.. okay then
Actually, Ill stand over there
This is all you need to know
The rocks are lava!
Maybe they need more 'freedom'
Freakin' Australia
When i found out a secret about someone and that person doesn't know that i know
Cat crash
This bird get's all the chicks!
Got what she deserve
Sources in the comments
An armadillo lizard, also known as a BABY DRAGON!!!!!
Yes, thank you
Hit and Run, bro
What time is it? It's race time.
So our cat found a cardboard tube...
Like a boss
How Homer would survive the zombie apocalypse
Had to do it
Your argument is invalid
The gayest movie i ever saw.
Unnecessary censorship at its best
Don't know a 'descriptive or creative' name oh wait this is one
Robin in da Hood
Like a Boss
Only an extra chromosome.
So, now I need to buy a foam printer
I have a buddy who does research in Antarctica, this is his profile picture.
Nicholas Cage is a Vampire
At the end of each month
Just passing through!
Oh you are just so silly puppy!
A little guidance for you
This guy...