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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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That's huge
Coworkers screen saver. For context, it looks like a usual error Windows give when something goes wrong, but the text is different
Two stunt doubles enjoy a break together on the set of Alien
humanity 1000
Germany is in germany
Wojak the Great
I guess we'll never know...
Yeah, big Mouth is absolutely your masterpiece Netflix...
Acient Greeks + eating pussi = gay
going for speed date
And after that there still are white flag jokes here
My daughter is having twins!
A sturdy and adaptable food source which wrecked havoc in new lands
Australian troops capture a child soldier during the Great Emu War
Martyrdom!! The new Antman trailer looks cool btw
It’s so hard
“At least hesitate!”
wonderful body
"You're a monster!"
Stay away from Gundam kids.
Prince Andrew is becoming impatient
Accurate representation of my 3 braincells working together to keep me alive
Sacred knowledge
Donald Trump unwrapping his Christmas presents
no fetch!
A discussion I had with some friends, in meme form: what do you think the most important human invention is?
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 859 ✓
2b had a good two day run
You guys like 'em so I'll keep rolling them out
Defensive drivers
Now we know, no more excuses!
They cancel one of the few good cartoons
Pope wants to know your location
Imagine fighting against nazis only for your grandson to love the way of thinking of the Nazis
Literally signs everywhere in the airport to not leave luggage unattended.
It Just Runs In The Family
But really, what happens to them?
Thanks Equifax for showing me my worth. My identity is worth $22.81
This seems like a completely legitimate and high quality contractor who I'd want to hire.
Barely any of them are unpopular
In response to Netflix canceling Inside Job
“How about not sending my men to certain death?”
The mind of a Bri'ish person.
"sign looks good boss, let's call it a day"
safe from women
Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was dropped
F Edison, all my homes hate Edison
Did you know imperial Japan banned trade with everyone except for the Dutch?
Need your opinions on this.
only 2% of medieval Europeans could read... latin. this is totally a smaller percentage of modern Europeans that can read latin/s
Not Hating Tho Just An Interesting Trend I Noticed
So hot... Or atleast warm.
Best school snack ! Yummy...
Crazy, almost like we have too many people driving or we never planned for anything.
Dying but in a comfy way
I have never met this gold in my entire life.
Hawaiian culture is so different that it's basically its own country
It’s 2023 Batman, Anything’s Possible.
What an amazing drawing of a girl…
I have a dick joke, it's not very long
Racist weeb keep the normie away
plato's republic is a wild ride
The USA doesn't like it when someone messes with their ships
It's not easy being popular
It always sad
A notice sent to all people in a housing complex
lets put them to some use
"The Assyrians? Oh no what happened to Syria!?"
Insult to injury
An interesting Australian story
Go back to work, you less-than-a-peasant
They'll be expelled for that
Potato farming
Its an Unsaid Rule, don't ask me why.
stay away from computers
Credit to the new History Matters vid for the inspiration.
Op Flavius: Death on the Rock
goofy ahh nazis
Something tells me 5-Headed Shark Attack didn't hire John Wick's weapons trainer
I know my kid isn't the smartest kid but........
edited by @cantstopwontstop205
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2006 Life was simple
Be careful what u wish for
Eyebrows gone!
Three dudes who got "*** you'd" by life
The solution to the AMX-10 debate
It is so sad but true
Finally. Based Twitter
Name the movie
Churchill, colorized