My friends "Ex" girlfriend showed up to our party after we heard she had cheated on him. This was ou

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It looks like she's really lost.
Almost had me there.
I would like to think that it's a form of art
Grammar, people!
Still better story than Twillight...
144p? Seriously?
Ideal name for a band
The center of the internet
There is always that one person
Can't tell us what to do
A little bit creepy
You'll have it. I promise.
Always happens
Hell yeah
Just white girl things.
Our hero
Now I can die in peace
Don't do it!
People who downvote because of cussing
I do that, anyone?
North Korea
I have to admit, this can't be more accurate
Don't even try to defend reposting
I guess Germany takes North Korea very seriously
Just my luck asking for directions...
Playing darts in the pub isn't always the best of choices...
No McDonald's for you.
I agree!
The Tides
Horror game legends
Now he's mainstream.
And then there's that guy....
Best one I heard so far
Troll Berlusconi
Gotta catch 'em all
Everyday struggle
It's a rock!
He's not joking around this time.
Oliver Twist
Season 4 of The Walking Dead, basically.
Calm down, it's just a TV Show
Thrift shop
It sure is.
North Korea might as well have done this today.
Oh tumblr, you so silly
High five bro!
Oh NO!! My hand :X
Flawless plan
This man is a hero (and I hate the Yankees).
How about no
Me everyday..
Thank god he was unarmed
Harry raper..
Sh*t Tyrone! Get it together!
Batman about Harlem Shake
True story
My favourite pun in the world
F**ck your dreams!
Yeah,'s possible that your son is the spawn of Satan.
Door Problems
So have I... Not literally, of course, but you get the idea
The gun will always point at you
China's apple stores being honest
I don't know why I didn't expect this...
Wait What?
Text win
Driving to a Party with my best friend,
Very true
How to celebrate a goal
Wait, that's not a traffic cam
New method to travel by train
With an axe
Facebook in a nutshell.
It would be shocking if they found out
Kick his arse
Swimming in the hallway
My life story
Ain?t gonna say no to that
Realising how many assignments you have due
I'm NOT crying!!
Just deal with it!
Oh ramsey
I can't even
Tell that to somebody else
I think the Dawning of the Sea Otters can wait... for now.
Got ya lil fella!
When your room it too hot and you're trying to sleep.
Avengers freakout
Tyrone Biggums...
Seems legit
Could it be intentional?
Dont f*ck with macaroni and cheese
Dan is awesome.