*tips fedora* G'day dear readers of my homepage! I am the master memer and hardcore video gamer.I am a nice m8 that respects girls.To all my haters,

Joined 9 years ago (2014-11-05 11:22:54).
Has 1,767 Karma.
Created 8 posts.
Wrote 60 comments.

Achievements Info

6-Year Club 03.11.2020

5-Year Club 04.11.2019

4-Year Club 04.11.2018

3-Year Club 04.11.2017

2-Year Club 16.02.2017

1-Year Club 16.02.2017

Verified 15.02.2017

Casual Commenter 10.09.2016

Bronze Club 09.09.2016