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G'day dear readers of my homepage!
I am the master memer and hardcore video gamer.I am a nice m8 that respects girls.To all my haters,

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That's my fetish
cure to cancer found #2
Hey there stranger
Location, Location, Location
Home of the what?
Pornography Critic.
Best tank top ever
Vader actually did bring balance to the Force
Honest product review
Yup, its the 9/11th today
normal people on /b/
lost scoring in 10 seconds
see you forever, na
Gotta go fast!
The struggle is real
It's true!
Pete Davidson on talking to girls
Always Listen To Your Coach
Kim Possible
Totally not made up
Working in retail
When you leave a party but you're still drunk
every ***ing time
Tell me, Clarice.. Do you like needlework?
Remember kids, don't smoke people.
Best "we're expecting" announcement ever
GF on her period
As a specimen, yes, he's intimidating
Times have changed
Challenge Accepted
Lest we forget
Why cat's don't play sports.
Even math mocks me...
I feel like this will be flagged as spam
Good job Greg!
Rats for sale
Sometimes the legal system can be funny.
All right.
Someone get me a ***ing burrito
Oh 4chan
Jesus pls
You never know when you're going to be put up on the kiss cam
Saw Michael Jackson at the museum today.
Do you even lift?
People who play first person shooters will know this feeling.
The hardest part
The most Canadian sign ever made.
Sometimes I just feel like posting.
Dumb Animals
How all papers should be statted
Grandpas wise words of wisdom.
Dr. Phil, we need you
So, a guy texted me today.
Wait... What?
and i was like pew pew pew
Shut it down guys the Internet is over. He finally did it.
He didn't even try to look at the camera.
/b taking risks
Amazon reviews are always so helpful
How to solve a physics problem
Hope.. no hope
gift is german for poison
Dr. Ake
Exhale man!
He's just being Dick
Convenient storage
The exact moment her phone was lost forever.
Street art in London stealing street art in London
Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson's first full comic strip since 1995
Apparently, this is what a hacker looks like according to Danish media.
It seems like Christmas comes earlier every year.
"my mother always supported my dreams"
America is the best I guess
This is what Facebook has come to
Willy Nelson on marijuana
Meanwhile on Tinder...
Dat Dedication
The Cake is a lie
Street Racing
Thinking positive
Waking up in the mornings now that it's cold
Fatality in ancient greek
Despite being told not to cross the streams Diane just couldn't resist the potential chaos.
A little too calming
Yes she does
Anon get taken from his parents
why wouldnt you tell me your name?
Serious cars
I've waited so long for this moment
Its more of a superpower than a disability