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It seems that no one here really cares about reposts that much anymore, but still: I will delete my reposts as long as you can provide the link to the OP.

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When you are stoned and try to philosophize
When I try to walk normally
So deep
Just imagine..
Soo closeeee
After taking a sh*t in a public bathroom
Great idea pt. 2
In the news
Oh, lovely beer
I can't wait!
Looks like a good dream.
Knew it
Your average day at the beach.
Stupid bee
That's a fukking human spider what the fukk
Here we go.
C*nt patrol
Thank you very much, anon.
She's screwed
Fury swipes
The floor is lava
God bless America
Shut up stupid human... no one cares about your Lego
I wish...
Paper gif gif?
Being creative in class
Worst nightmare
Guess someone decided to burn some calories..
Every MMORPG Paying people vs Free.
Blastoise's Pee...
Become a Poopemon Master
Turning on your computer in the dark
Wait for it...
Buying a lady a drink.
Make It Rain... :D
He's not Husky. He's just just Lil chubby.
Disco Dance Time
That's a nice trick
Say hello to my little friend!
Equality doesn't mean Justice
Best tag on tumblr ever.
Go away.
Little fagget alarm
My neighbors hate me..
How it feels when WiingS reposts
HUGELOL at its finest
That sentence didn't end the way I thought it testicles
Grandma does a double backflip
Oh Disney...
Great Idea
Apply Cold Water To Burned Area......
Bird blocks speeders number plate. Lucky as hell
Happens every time.
Do you know how fast you were going?
When I'm way drunker than everyone else at the party
Works every time.
Trolling at young age
EA and SimCity..
He has a point.
Ron Swanson
Main cause of gym accidents!!
So this is what happens with Toy Story controllers
HUGELOLs fresh page
It'se me !
Thank you Internet!
No way a straight man could have done that, look at all the penises
Just Fry being Fry
Still my favorite character
How i imagine this smiley irl
I am the boss of my home. Wife said I was allowed. So there.
Reenacting a DNA-string using fire.
Cheetahs Got Nothing On Me
Happy birthday to the ground!
The beautiful people
Whenever people don't understand sarcasm.
Good job well done
Cream Filled..
MISS the bus
Never again...
Me trying to encourage friends
Boatercycles it is.
TV these days...
You know... space and stuff.
Get it together Phil!
How to lose your dignity as a soccer player
If you spend your life fishing in trees, someday, just maybe, you might catch something
I laughed so hard I had to stop fapping
Spontaneous Conga
Badass riot Grandma
Reading translated memes on facebook
Someone rape me
Seems legit.
Pranks gone too far.