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The praying mantis actually has a ear between its legs, da fuqq
99 cents
Oh sh*t not the spine
I bet he's proud
They see me slidin'. They wrestlin'
Bad Luck Brian Piloting A Plane
I had to correct this sh*t
Truth spoken.
It made me happy :')
Taking things to literal
My special powers
This guy is a hero.
She exists!
A moment of silence
Hipster overload
Silence of the lambs.
Why games will never cause real life violence...
The truth
Kinda funny.
Step Ladder..
Troll dad
Well, that was a really big crab...
Well f*cking done
He told that b*tch
Yes... yes you will...
The dark knight rises
The printer who lived
Explains a lot about futbol
Apparently I am not enthusiastic enough about satan for google
How to cross a river in Russia
What goes aroun comes around
WTF just happened?!
Happened to me
Cool Paper Statue
Such an impressive specimen
Just a compilation of tumblr gold.
It's really not okay
How To Lose A Friend In 60 Seconds
My motto
Missed a small detail
Cuz Dat aint right!
It's just not the same...
Robbery fail
When someone has a nicer body than you thought
When I'm not quite drunk enough to dance but my favorite song comes on
Crazy Steve...
Awesome movie
Just a few of them...
Oh my
The feels
We will earn their respect!
Let's have another round of "guess the country"
But Dad!
Irish Civil War
Horsing around
20 Leopard tanks on German Autobahn: Polish are terrified, French already surrendered
Ahh, School of Rock
Nature can be scary.
I'm going to hell....
Bad Luck Brian's Karma Twin
Probably the reason for all the posts against USA
Now that's worth going to museum for
Hank Scorpio - my dream boss.
Die, maybe
Fat woman road rage
Oh look, what a rare spie.. OH sh*t!
One of the biggest plot twists in history.
Definitly rich
The most epic hug
New duckface level: I need to go to the toilet
How to spend time in the gym
She told me to share everything with her...
Dead Giveaway
I found your car?
Worst insurance scam ever
When the internet is down
Opening a beer
Good luck with that...
I'm not saying she was a slut, but...
How to properly ditch a friend.
I'm sorry, Anakin...
Well.... Good morning my deer friend!
Fcuk off, cant you see i am musturbating?
Pretty Damn Accurate!
They'll never see me coming
Seems legitimate
Applies to the Internet too...
The origin...
That was easy.