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Offense 100%, Technique 0%
Dayum..! I wish i lived there..
Dedicated to his art
No pressure kid
First thought.
When you realize...
Antproblem? Not anymore!
Kids these days. Why sould I play table tennis when I can play table tennis on PS3 or somethin'?
Whenever my roommate's on a diet.
Amazing mexican telenovela action scenes. PART 1
When they ask me if i got good weed
Welcome on HUGELOL
A Bad Burn
The manliest man in the world
Love, Love Me Boo by Brentalfloss
Found this one
Porn logic & Poetry
I can do that, just hold my beer
How to do maths
What if we've been missing out on millions?
When the teacher looks at you while teaching and your immediate reaction is
Like father like son
No one even asks for my number anyway...
Autofocus perfect wedding photo
"so... you're pregnant?"
It won't take long.
New Hair Cut
When you see it
How Homer remembers his best friends' names
That moment when suddenly everything becomes clear.
What bordeom does to you....
When fat kids say: "that's how I roll"
I want my damn apples!
Requesting money on paypal
I?m probably the only one
One of the best ideas ever :D
Germans invent new copy machine
Dude, give it to me straight.
Ok now seriously wtf...
Oh sweet tumblr making my day
Dead people should be dead
Thanks Bieber
He was still pretty awesome
Sometimes it's as easy as it sounds
Portal Mysteries....
Too bad he is gone
When in doubt... use C4
And when you turn it around to grab the last ones there are sh*tty crumbs everywhere
Perfect evening
Kim Kardashian - The tsunami maker
Game logic
No,god no, please no...NO
He is back!
If you remember this... :)
Why would I want a blank paper?
That was a close call!
The usual week
Happy doggy. *_*
Nailed it
Seems like Fred's lonely sometimes...
Smart thinking Egypt!
Enough Internet for today
Ngek - that sound you make.
Poor Jon
When I see a hilarious post and find out in the comments it was a repost.
Japan, oh you....
Killer whale feelin' the beat.
What if?
Toilet bowls are apparently not pug-friendly
Oh, Steve...
English ftw 2
Some Bath Indeed!
Here's some slow mo'
That escalated quickly.
The dark part between 2 rainbows is called "Alexander's band"
Life against me
Your daily dose of wtf
Babe caught me flying
"Have you ever been with a man..?"
Student mad at teacher, makes best comeback points - video
Life is good part II
Dat ass !
Well, damn you horse.
Only in Wal Mart
Just some tumblr ideas
Stormtrooper Infomercial.
Why would he do such a thing
He has a point
Spain beating Germany
One of those conversations
I did not expect that
When I win an argument
You'll just get the "D", tenacious on the side
Grand from Mythbusters should have played a part in The Matrix
Tumblr is funny