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Only time, a woman made a man a millionaire
Was when that man was a former billionaire
5-Year Club

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When everything is against you.
A Shampoo Commercial
I don't even know what the argument was
If only
No words needed.
Is this clever?
A broken cat
Technology :O
Extreme home makeover in a nutshell...
Team Rocket Logic...
There's no freedom in Japan :(
Serious business
Still a better love story than Twilight
Hey sweet cheeks...
Dammit b*tch just get in the way of my shot
Johnny depp's sudden realization
Special effects too real
My life in a nutshell
Nutteling you
Aaaaw <3
Act like the hero your library deserves
Idiots in action
Krav Maga in a nutshell
Made me laugh more than it should've...
Everytime, lol
Episode two it is
Everyone thinks about wiings this way
Who took a crap in the turtle aquarium?
Awesome pick-up line
How Adam Savage walks around on comic con without being seen
How it feels to make a grammar mistake on the internet.
Good guy Robert Downey Jr
Bananas are very scary.
My strange addiction
How to reward self after studying...
Sad fact of the day...
Yep, that's pretty much it..
That's pretty much how an "open minded" community works...
Hilosophy I live my life by
How i Feel About Vegans
None of my black friends can swim either.
No regrets. It was a just cause.
"Horny" 14 year olds
At Least They're Not Dead Yet!
Awkward moment
Smooth as f
Always crying!
How it felt like when we started downvoting WiingS when he was about to get 1 mio karma
Not what we had in mind...
What's better than sticks
Different vampire teeth from different movies/shows
The Pootoo
Ba dum tiss.
In a parallell universe when you're right.
Whenever something takes too long to load.
When a friend farts next to me...
Now there's this...
Totally not a sexist.
See if you like that!
This is the chicken crossing the road all over again
Hardcore Fight
Chocolate drill.
Just tumblr..
Dammit forgot my wallet
I'm still waiting for half life 3
Well... at least he tried :D
That's why he's loki
Still better than using Windows 8
Anime logic
Cas being hardcore as sh*t.
I'm bringing back the patrick face...
And I don't even feel guilty.
When a fat chick asks you if she is fat
All new meaning of searching sexmate
Smart dog
Golden medal to that boy!
The early years.
He cracked the code
Nicki Minaj at her best
We know you took the cookies... where did you put them?
Meanwhile in secret government facility
It poops rainbows... and skittles...
Dem feels.
Did not expect that
So thats what its called!
Nope. nope. nope.
Looks like someone's a little excited
Cat Can't Stand Wearing This
My progress in life
Find the perfect size.