When someone asks you if they can cut in line because they're in a hurry, and you're like...

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Norway must now be of freedom.
we all know the truth...
someone should make a vid of this
that's racist
Oh god why..
I must admit... I did think about this as a kid...
and here i always thought they float
Odor by GOT
Life in a nutshell
Frick you peepee head
My first personality says so
That happens more often than you think
Use the Human
Cat getting mindf***ed
If you thought you knew everything
Cause you can't make a good anime without him
So i tea bagged my friend in his sleep
That explains a lot
When I'm not sure if a girl is hitting on me..
Dr. Bear
I guess spider-sense was little too sensitive..
Mercury Responds to Soundwaves
When I'm doing math homework and the answer is a whole number.
Hipster Princess
she got a skill
Hard Wood, If You Know What I Mean.
Trampoline master
Cats are ***s
Party Hard
Good ol' countryballs.
Conspiracy theroy
Our favorite kitchen chief and the next generation of gaming
It's a family show
How I play baseball...
You know you're ***ed when..
The good part about having Alzheimers is having Alzheimers
Damn.. i like to bust that myth so hard...
Avengers burn
Front page here i come...
What every henchman must think, but has never said.
shadow fight level awesome
Made me laugh. but still, *** swag.
Pepper your Angus with Rape Oil..
Best Facebook page ever
prostitution maybe?
That's racist!
So yeah, I'll thank Darwin later.
you can thank me later
Fire swordfighting. My life is now complete.
They got me every time
You're welcome!
Probably the funniest fail bail I have ever seen :D
A, B, C, ... wait, what?!
Shut the *** up child. You're wrong.
When I notice there's no one else on the bus
Skip to 0:20! It's worth it!
didn't see that one coming
Bad luck lobster
A visual representation of entering a fandom.
There's always that one troll
His poor girlfriend
Stepping stone
Focus Conan!
British problems
Don't leave me hangin bro!
The more you know...
The best graphics! j/k
WTF Romania
damn.. poor Leo :D
A true dilemma
impeccable logic
most accurate comment on the interwebz.
pussy magnet
How Leonardo DiCaprio's acceptance speech will begin when he wins an Oscar
orange chode crusade
Wonder what their gang sign is?
The truth about the Next Gen
The truth is out
Well that won't leave them scarred for life...
Troll the cops
silly earth...
Don't shoot me for posting this...
Everybody does it...
He want the D
that escalated quickly
thats racist!
As a 14 year old this is me at the moment.
i have no words for this one.
"Just girry things..." Get it?!
Teen Tumblr
Seriously why?
He just dodged a bullet
Girlfriend tells me I'm getting lucky tonight
I would kill for gullible friends like these.