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Wanna get rid of today's annoying kids?
I don't even...i odd
I looked like a little clown...
Because grammar
He's got a point
This is pure gold..
I need to try abortion before i judge
Whenever someone I hate tries to talk to me
dem ***es be cray cray
Silly Green Arrow..
Internet addict lizard
hooozacutelittle hell hound? YOU ARE. YES YOU ARE.
Nice advice
Nothing to see here, except for another cat defying the laws of physics.
You're never too old to do the things you like!
Shit tyrone get it together!!
Good idea vs Bad idea
Uhm chief... you're not going to believe this...
Pic for santa's wishlist
When someone makes fun of you
Chemical reaction
Link learnd VM01
chicken drug dealer
Well, I guess I really can't.
Ginger have soul !
Chick gets slapped hard.
Showing commies on twitter the true meaning of freedom
To school with Mr Dolan
How to get laid in Dubai.
I laughed more then i should
I got TP on my bunghole
Please tell me it's your nose!
My life is a lie
Superman is a dick
No you can not little man
WiingS will not bother me again.
People at my school have some kind of sense of humor.
Marijuana makes you indifferent? Nah, like I care.
yes they work on you
Suprise mother***er
mmm yea spank dat booty yep
Man, that would be thrilling!
as any normal person would
Is just me?
Canadian language
not the metaphorical lame duck
This teacher is my new hero
Old school skating
This pic is just not reich
I can't believe people died like this
Mind. Blown
WW2 rationing
Now we need a bigger printer
My favorite thing on the internet
First moustache problems
Our children won't ever find any either
Googled "most russian picture ever", exactly the first resut
Forgot how to wear a watch?
I hate this guy
smudge, potato shape, coffee mug!
There are more than 250 people frozen
This is the last one, I swear
Every Damn Time
A dog is truly a man's best friend
pls dad why u do dis
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
This is me trying to make it to the frontpage
Just guess
Posters trying to get likes on hugelol
Laughed pretty hard on this one...
Enough internet for today
Definition of 3
Exactly how i pictured it
yep we all do that
Getting real tired of your shit!!
How about no?
You've said it
I`m flexible
Uhm..Thanks FireFox
An earth sandwich
That intricate artwork
That is a valid point.
Should be a great movie
For reals
Meet Gavin
I want these two pets.
thoughts of tumblr users on tumblr
I never realized this until now.
Tony Stark is a Legend