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i hate everyone who genuinly whines about reposts like its such a huge ***ing deal. if you wanna follow me on Tumblr i post funny stuff there aswell,

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My reaction when someone sits and uses my computer.
nutella AND bacon.... a white people done good
why valve never goes to E3
I won the internet!
had to try it out on my gf
He won the award for least amount of ***s given
bros before hoes
Not every german talks like that
Makes you think...
Tumblr asks the real questions
ohhh tumblr
They probably waited forever to do this
Me trying to be sexy
This is why i have hugelol
ya' alright, Ken?
You've got to be kidding me.
seems like games are drugs
He saw the chance and took it
Here is the PROOF that TOM CRUISE is SATAN (It's not edited, it's real and keep your children away)
its interesting and yet puzzling
Troll Maori.
don't talk..
Muslim of the Future
Challenge accepted
If you have never been called a potato you have not lived
Will it float?
His proudest moment. Shout out to bugs bunny!
How asians were created
Koalas are ***ing metal!
This page right here.
May I present...Scumbag Tourists.
Oh how I love Tumblr
I'm okay with this change - FIXED
It's the only reasonable explanation...
hawkeye is fabulous
Google streetview catches ex-gf getting kicked out
You win
But moOoom
What if his name was Oscar DiCaprio
Why playing video games is a unique art
That's me in the kitchen
He's lurking in the shadows!
His face at the end...
So you got posted on hugelol, is there something you like to say?
How every hotel in Brazil is going to be like during the 2014 Word Cup.
Nailed FB updates.
I love you, people of the internet
that's why i don't swim
One of my favorite Louie scenes
Damn, that's deep.
not exactly what I expected...
the voice
One of the biggest lies ever told...
#No hate
loolled so hard
I guess so
When you're in space... part 2
Naughty Hermione
When you're in space... part 3
Good Guy Viggo
Meanwhile in Australia.
When you're in space part 1
Oh, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?
Best bus ride ever!
This guy was tired about the people taking a wizz in his corridor... so he installed a shower..
My nephew said this while eating his Oreos, should I be scared?
A Cold One
*inserts punchline in the title*
How it all started...
And what qualities do you look for in a boss?
When the teacher asks a question that I don't know
That was almost the flattest dog in the world
I live in Australia now
Justin Jong
the more you know
does she?
keyboard warriors, click here
But this can't be true right
Don't you just love em?
I'm easily entertained
Polandball on the Syrian Civil War
The poor guy died. Lyke if u kry evrytyme
Scumbag Earth
Yoga Pants
in a parallel universe...
What it should be?
Laughing Cow...
PC master race here laughing at you all
***ing dave
Man, he really does know nothing