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We shroud ourselves in anonymity to reveal who we truly are. No obvious consequences, it seems, allow the human race to show how truly despicable it is.

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Just... How?!
My face when sites autoplay music.
Same with 4chan
A Grammar Nazi Illustrated
Buzz Away
A-salt rifle
What the...
I don't even..
Burn unit on standby
Revenge is sweet.
Yet another unrealistic standard for women
What. A. Moron.
the duck knight rises
Retards everywhere
I always wondered...
all the guys today
You had 1 job.
12 yr old wearing high heels these days
the hair is cool
Douchebag Gate Guard
Ask nicely.
Demotivationals: Kitty
True that
Your argument is invalid
The only valid explanation
kinda like that
2% of people in the world have green eyes
How to score as a douche
They're just malteasing him
I don't even want to know
I will always call it "gif"
Different approach i guess.
White people...
Oh, she looks so cute :)
It works!
I hate this girl, i really do
Very Clever Ad
Welcome to Russia
Yes, I approve
Someone tried it.
Indiana Bones
and no, killing jews is not my hobby
Only in Ireland...
Girlfriend, yeah sure^^
Daaayyummm Gurrl!!!
Hipster Ed
This is awkward
Now you are looking at your penis or at others lips ... or both...
Supporting Dad
Summer in Ireland.
im not good with titles
She's sooo Aladin!
Drinking Game
After passing an exam without studying
oh the irony
On our way to the frontpage
Obviously not
He has got a point
Old chap...
Me neither.
We're going deep here
I have an exam in 4 hours and im desperate
Whatever you say jesus!
That's a good observation!
Look mom, no hands!
Like a BOSS
Siri is a b*tch
7 million you say ?
Best senior quote
When I'm on my way home and my phone battery is at 1%
S.O.A.D fans will know ;)
Jackie Chan working as a nightclub bouncer
At least end it with style.
Back in the old days
Thanks couch coaster!
Spongebob holding a fetus?????????
I guess he's a clean man....
This happens to everyone at some point in life
How the *** did they got away with this
Just girly things...
Darwin Award material
Best Dare Ever
Sexist T-Rex
This is actually a thing...
Boneless chicken
Truckdriver saves kitten
Morning ritual
Sad but true.
And the Darwin Award goes to...
Women's logic
Scumbag Tourists pt2
Dat cream!
Thanks mom...