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You may say I'm like an ordinary bear, or even polar bear.
But this bear is no ordinary bear.
This bear is made out of ice, being cold is its su
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Yeah, I'm at a baseball game
Two types of beautiful people
When a girl says her boyfriend doesn't masturbate
badum tss
Beiber your diaper's full
Wrong Dexter
Asking girl out
When friends ask how did I pass on my final exams without studying...
It's the only logical evolution step
Stupid people are stupid
Well...Esinstein knows stuff.
She likes everything she sees!
College in a nutshell
Oh Heri, u naughti boi
What's that taste, love it
Na na na na na na
I like Stephen Kings weird sense of humor...
Friend of the year award goes to...
Just imagine it.
Good Luck
that guy =DDD
Misunderstood sun.
Dr, Jan Itor
i can't breathe =))
Some people...
Well I can't think of anything else
Myth Busted
spoderman pls
Third World Ghost Rider
bad kitty
Fire, stahp.
Took this gif and just added the text. I think it was a needed addition.
Deal with it.
no more exceptions apparently
whatch out we have abad*** over here
Switzerland - so peaceful
I'm still clapping
What Youtube's loading icon should be
National Geographic should write some article about us
Shyamalan's twist
I love this
Oh shit
His pupils are pretty dilated
'dem sneaky horses!
NASA's Space Pillow
Yeah , its signifies the cat is going somewhere!!!..
dafuq did I just read?
Silly Girl
Snuffed out.
It's story time
misunderstood Kanye
When I take my friends to the gym for the first time.
It's...not the use that!
In russia , people arrest you
***ing good!
Enough internet for today...
dat ass
Soo where's your phone
me too
Worth reading
tumblr really wants you to do it
problems of being a God
#Snowden: Epic troll status acquired
Einstein knew the shit.
sudenly nice thing happens 2
How most PC gamers think.
Look out... it's a gorgeous man!
I used to be an adventurer like you....
a week in a science
Interestin, fascinating, curiosity killed the cat
Ridiculously Sexy Ape-man
Dave Chapelle predicted fox news
How I love summer...
Nsa is watching you, have fun :) !
sudenly nice thing happens
She lived the Star Wars
clever plates
oh, the irony
Triangle explanation
it has started
Guess who was the one who made them stay up all night
Black Sabbath
***ed up shit man
It can happen to the best of us
"Oussama likes this"
New submission type: MEME
she's a hoe
best youtube comment ever
NSA does not know EVERYTHING...
i wonder what comes next?
No Brenda, she's not food