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Can you please google what feminism is before you start calling me a monster?
I want equality not your dick in a jar.

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It looks like he kermited suicide
Burn in a fire look
I need this
As a huge platoon fan, that isn't sgt. Elias (Dafoe) It's Sgt. Barnes (Tom Berenger)
That is what you get when you play Mario Kart. Families brake! ..and people die..
it's okay...
There seems again to be a glitch in the matrix in the Singlelonelymasturbation.jpeg
it's still a secret
You need the D
The ultimate irish wristwatch
Tasty evil ***s
Heros in a half-Stroke, Painter-power!
Emmas are hot.
Monday Dance
Stan Lee makes a good point
Heaters gonna hate
its fun until this happens
every damn time
Badass mother***er!
Badly Taxidermized Polar Bear
"This is how you should be doing it!"
yes Tyrone that would happen
What a dilemma
how to properly do the laundry
Comparing the pride
Cornicorn is best pony!
pretty much my love story
what happened to this world?
Apparently I like olives now
Proud Canadian papa
Oh google +
Ed Sheeran And Ron Weasley
how cruel.
This could suck when you're late for work.
so deep
What are your bets?
Rinahha: "I miss the times when you're still desperately hitting on me"
aaand he's still racist
Prepare for take-off
racist... funny but racist
On a completely unrelated note, these are surprisingly easy to fake.
Being an Outlaw is paying really well
This is how serial killers are made
A discovery has been made
Even Canada now protest for HL3
Face plant
The irony
Difference between artist and programmer
Leaked footage of global economics
Best Photobomb!
'Clever' girl !
HP Logic
That's pretty accurate.
Didn't see that one coming
How the french flag was created hahaha
Finding a good post in the fresh page
Poor Polina
Mash time.
Batman is a bit photogenic
Told ya!
Lets take a trip down Memory Lane
Iz troo. Try it!
Sad moment when it actually doesn't
I think the gif version is better...
Girlfriend's mood swings.
When i say something in class but teacher doesn't hear it. Then someone else says it and take creds
Brunch club..
Remember flip phones? BYE BIATCH *clip*
the cake is a lie
Ed, Edd n Eddy 2.0
Hue Hue
Trying to act cool when getting pulled over
Pretty hard game to win.
Every time i open a can of catfood
How they make marbles
oh punny
Me after eating at an all you can eat sushi buffet.
Sneakin' some Pepsi
Yea I am!
Life is a ***
Gettin real tired of you autocorrect
When people force you to socialize
when someone gives source in the comments before i ask
See you later, shitlords.
Strangers are awesome
Post Title
Best selfie ever!
Cute pussy riding the pole.
The angering moment when someone reposts your picture and gets more likes than you.
Acceptable selfie
Good Guy Mewtwo.
Poor soul, i hope she didn't get any important phone calls
Your future awaits!