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I delete my (re)posts, if there are too many downvotes or repost claims. Best way though is providing a link. Also: I don't listen to "joined 7 seconds ago".

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too far man
Just act like nothing happened
HL in a nutshell
Hippos don't give a shit
Gettin' real tired of your shit Renly.
The one wrote this was so in drugs
Everyone else looks like Leonidas, and I just look like a pedophile.
Science ***
Enough internet...
This was funny
I would shit myself
if this would work anywhere, that would be great
It's a pirates life for me.
I'll name mine, Son Goku
FIxing the windshield
Do not harass lion
Good idea > Bad idea.
I like to be a guy
Gay rights are safe with tumblr
Toy story 4 is going to be tense
I feel the second guy :'(
Just got that joke
Kids, drugs are drugs.
Everytime i shave.
I’ve been wanting to use these faces for a long time
You're all pedophiles, ALL OF YOU
The greatest gift to the world.
Never again...
Come at me, bro.
Damn you history!
These new animals came with the latest patch
Yeah... I know that one...
remember kids - crack kills
A truly ambiguous feeling
Why you do this Miss Jackson?
You didn't look like an idiot.... alone
Seriously, you can't deny why this show is hilarious
Mmmm Massage
An apple a day
Incoming storm
It is funny because it is true
are you a wizard?
Dem Finns
Smart plan
That's cool. I like it.
that's mean, really, I'm upset for the baby
Bad luck Jeff
oh my god YIS
Happens all the time
A word of advice from Ask Ketchum
Say whaaaat?
You Sick ***
Meeting a celebrity
Do you even lift bro?
The winner gets my D
Just a little space
Your pe.. wat?
Are macs compatible with...?
Wearing the wrong shirt to Disneyland
This is what humor was meant for
Yup, we went apeshit
You want me to swim in this?
He has all the luck indeed.
My wife's dieting logic
A soap bubble freezing
Now i get it..
I want my apples
When I get my food before my friend does.
Listening to 15-year-olds saying that... 2
Windows Inception
Good point
I guess we should consider doing more manual labor..
Me watching sports
if you think pirates are cool
*** the police
I love this girl.
Oh England..
Silver's Silver hair
Alpha as ***
We need this.
Game of Cousins
I'm fabulous
Commander Crunch sounds cooler anyways.
How college students feel
You know my Gender not my Story.
had to read romeo and juliet in class once, I found so many sex related jokes
2 kinds of people
Congratulations, I'm finally giving a ***, everybody gets one.
everybody at the morning
i'm not your mate