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Sorry if I repost. No link required and I will delete it. Just don't lie. I have not been on in a while.

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I can even hear backing vocals
"If you don't give me motha ***in bread crumbs I'll shank your ass"
Never Forgetti
Kids these days ARE polite
Go George you can do it !
Me on weekends
Waterdrop filmed at 10.000 fps
Humm, interesintg
a Robot who can open doors
Same old CJ! Busta! Straight busta!
The French even gave the Statue of Liberty as a present
Working out at your desk
How punny
Homium Improvimentum
Thor on Gay Marriage.
Syria is in the Iphone.
And to be transparent as possible
Captcha time!
Its ok miley.......there's only cage now.......
Maby she has to try turning it off and on again
Plot Twist
Beat the meat
And terrible shoops
Wish I could be as alpha as Arthur
Them feels
Ain't teachers a bunch of hypocritical ***s
Coming soon to a theatre near you
Okay :(
The Glorious Gaben
I thought it was blue :/
Getting tired of your shit, human.
Youtube comes to the rescue again
pretty much sums it up
Ba Dum Tss!
These pies
Birthdays back then and now
GTA spoilers
Melons over lemons anyday
So one of my post made it to the Front page
Can't handle my SWAG !
MRW someone sneaks up behind me while gaming.
If only cabbage tasted like bacon
Welcome to the internet
who doesn't remeber this piece of art?
Original Content Here
see what you did there kim-possible writers
My country is better than yours because i was born in it
Obligatory three types of people
Mission failed.
*whistles a song*
Lizard Lizard
DIY airplane... good shit.
Damn, Germany needs to watch its words.
How people on youtube type
Me in the club
Comic Genius
Science ***es
car ride with drugs is the best
Morning fatigues
Tumblr getting personal
I hate bullies. That's why I don't get close to them
I want a pidgeon too.
So I am watching The Expendables now...
Thanks Daren
What a *** !
I went to the beach with Katyusha and Kalinka. Pic related.
Long live the king
This is acctually a pretty good idea..
They are doing a good job
run indiana!
Damn wizards...
Things cut in half
Every test ever
jesus uses praypal!
Priorities. We haz them
Grammar Tutankhamun
another universe
*applauding internally*
The smallest piece of footage is a spoil to me. :/
How I felt, giving a like to the waffle posts
She's actually a wrestling star
I love being a native floridian and playing the spot the tourist game
You go Voyager!
Goes well with my 4 legged jeans
It's good to laugh from dark humor
Im surprised it's still soft after all that fondling
My daily problem
Some comedial topics never loose their edge
This is special
I bet there's a man in the kitchen