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Ted logic
When push comes to shove.
True sh*t
Black Assassin
The luckiest man alive
Cyanide & Happiness #2936
Carry on my friend
Watch the pages you like[fb]
True true story!
It's a TRAP!
Oh oh... Infection!
Black magic trick iPhone cell
Ciao b*tches
When im drunk and having a shower
Oh god why!
I v seen a woman on HL waiting for the perfect man ; I found him
Derpa gurlp a murp
Not what he expected.
When swimming something touch your skin
GF Discovers Morning Wood
What we men prioritize while thinking things through.
What my granny always thinks i´m saying
Tom Hanks taped his Emmy to his car and drove around with it. Straight up boss.
Made in China
Forever young, Motherf*****!
10 years for me :p
How I imagine homeless people.
Al Bundy and that post... :)
Longer you watch funnier it gets
Hmm, now that you mention it, it does look a bit suspicious...
When realization hits...
A workout for real men
Can you see it?
You know you're f*cked when...
Introducing overly manly man
Relationship differences
Even babies can tell
How my parents wake me up in the morning
Tell me when you see it...
Fat cat box jump fail
Someone had to do it...
Meanwhile in the japanese dentist
Just Hitler
Master has spoken
Pedobear likes this
Just got paid!
True sh*t
This isn't even my final form!
I lol'd so hard
A miracle!
Ooohhh yes!11 that frog monkey is sooo cool
Wow... just... wow
I must go, my planet needs me
Looks like my brother
Lucky truck driver
An actual representation of sharing your opinion on the internet and it’s consequences
Damn Bugs!
Thanks George...
Got alien overhere
Broke Spidey is Broke
Good thing they can't read
A kind reminder
Good guy me
When people remember me of that time I did something embarrasing.
Womens room prank trolling
Oh crap.
When you actually made your homework, but forgot it at your place...
Oh please stahp
St. Satan's Day
The f*ck is wrong with you?
One of the moments, that ends with wtf.
Well done my friend, well done
Everytime I try to flirt with my crush
They planned it
Pedobear did not mess with this girl
4chan is.... special
Dead before dirty.
Scarred for Life
As a movie starts, and people are still talking.
This is really nasty.
It buuuuurns. Not really
This baffles me....
It's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Grass is always greener
Know The Difference - It Could Save Your Life
Confused dog
But, Who wears a pant to fly?
Spider waving to itself
Seems legit
What can couple of boobs do? here it is..
Oh, youtube
Never Stop Leveling
Good cat
How Embarrassing
Run, Little Girl! RUN!
B*tch plz
Totaly worth itt