Coke Strikes back


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catevieira · -7 points · 11 years ago · parent
to do an hero=suicide

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it's all about the A
Flute Players.
this sums up me with any girls
leaf me b with your bad puns
A black guy, a priest and a rabbi get on a plane ...
Fireworks *** and balls
90's kids will remeber
wow such detective
don't even dare touch the shift!
The teleturbans.
Introducing Bad Luck Brianna
Hope he doesn't get a dent
NASA and their biggest conspiracy.
Cod player tries Dark Souls
I wanna see dat ass
I could ask myself the same question
Scumbag luck
Maybe Kony was taking kids to update his collection of hats? Maybe he wasn't so bad?
Gotta spare some bottlecaps first.
Kate to Leo when she won the Oscar.
Truth hurts
Zeus, of course
[fixed] i just don't get it
Australia, How I see it, also africa is a Horse head
and their priests are called Judas Priest
Public safety graffiti
Mobile Suite D.A.F.U.Q 233XT.NOPE.
Is toasting supported?
10 and detention
Disgraceful *** looks hungry
Get Roped
Don't *** with Espurr.
When people start talking to me about sports
Compilation of teacher posts
Not as i expected
Porn drama
What I imagine new posters feel when they finally get to the front page
Things You Find on Twitter… Wow.
Morgan Freeman performs dangerous stunt
I didn't see that coming
Every black metal song
A sad truth
Google all the way
GTA V vs. reality
Best business card ever.
I challenge you to a duel!
A Praguematic approach to business
Gamers can relate
Do you see what they did there? Cause I do.
They used the force.
Real ghost caught on film.
they were supposed to be smiley faces
The problem with most free to play MMO
Im going to believe
'Murica.."fully developed brain"...
That kid is the bomb.
Last night I went as a rooster holding a brick, also known as a...
Much Hadfield
I Don't Know What I Expected
I see Kanye, I see...
Yes, yes I am.
Usefull christmas everybody <3
How I feel lying down when I'm drunk
So Natural Movement
Best advice I ever got
Trash talk
Great advice!!!!!
it could be any one of us
Swiss advertising: not as neutral as the country
dem polish players
The longest year of his life
It has begun.
Cat Halloween.
Ok now you know...
weird part of youtube never fails to entertain me
Disregard education... aquire pokemon
This tea tastes funny
two kind of people
To the frontpage!
Worst. Superhero. Ever.
Well shit
First the world, then Hugelol. Muhaha. (Happy Halloween comrades)
The guy guiding this kid gives 0 f*cks...
The little things
such obstacle much difficult
Enough internet for today
When I have to describe myself
Leo Dicaprio.
Choosing is a sin
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