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First the world, then Hugelol. Muhaha. (Happy Halloween comrades)
The guy guiding this kid gives 0 f*cks...
The little things
such obstacle much difficult
Enough internet for today
When I have to describe myself
Leo Dicaprio.
Choosing is a sin
Thor Discovers Facebook
Hakuna Mafailta
first time doing weed
I saw this kid on MasterChef Junior and then I couldn't unsee him.
Remember this day that a man shave his beard to show us the truth about beards!
Australia (As labeled by a Brit)
Look Up
Smooth geek flirting
Scary stuff
Who you gonna call? Child service!
Remember the dick church? Here they are flushing the fire hydrant
Them legs
Yo, look at my new sick blings
C&H spinoffs
pretty much is yup
Our god must live forever.
Well, "Are you ready, kids?" wouldn't make it any better
This guy
You know you're f**ked when...
I don't get it.
Just watching the game
Taking a dump in public toilets
How you bean?
Just futurama.
Not sure if silly ***es or the start of an asian porn movie
Can't Sleep After This
Whenever I start a discussion with my gf during her "special week" of the month
This is what it would look like if Jesus tried to check you out
Greece checks his email
Oh Troy...
European reaction on Obamacare
Record breaker
Who can't identify
And the science... science is good too
Just kidding
Cat in a restaurant
Your daily dose of Japan just arrived
Another futurama joke.
Has science gone too far?
Smooth as f*ck
Putting the Lol into HugeLol
When my computer started freezing up before I could save an assignment that I worked on for 3 hours
Looking for his dog
take that
Chemistry teachers cannot resist horrible jokes
Tumblr is serious business.
Doges gonna doge
I like Espurr
This is frustrating to watch :S
TL;DR: Mindblown
Selfie Tips For Men
White people...
I think its like 8 now.
Popular torture method in China
Receiving random gifts
Dammit humanslave, let me sleep
Ole my mexican fellas.
Oh no. Forgot the car key!
This. This is pretty damn accurate.
Murdoc logic
Does this post make me look fag?
Sad but true
Me and maths
The bill from my chinese dinner after I mention my seafood allergy
How I fail at life
Do I get a promotion now?
Baby caught me sleeping.
You'd be scared too if you knew how ***roaches got their name
Grammar Nazi on breaking up with girlfriend.
Wait for it
Just Manly Things
Because you are awesome.
Everytime I try to talk with people..
So deep
was it REALLY that bad?
Colbert on U.S. relations with the rest of the world
{FIXED} The carpool will arive in 1 hour
and apply each others' makeup
I'm just gonna stand here and smile
Scumbag Stan Lee
C.S.I logic ...
Come on Gary, we practised this
An American in London.