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my name is shadowflax, i am one of the prince of the shadow realm. so please entertain me

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Colbert on U.S. relations with the rest of the world
{FIXED} The carpool will arive in 1 hour
and apply each others' makeup
I'm just gonna stand here and smile
Scumbag Stan Lee
C.S.I logic ...
Come on Gary, we practised this
An American in London.
If I ignore her, she'll go away
If OP is murdered.
PC Master Race
Damn son
Never miss a chance
Aw yiss...
Braces aren't the only thing that is going to come off
I really like her personalitities.
My kids will suffer the mighty scream of the retarded parent
Walking around the mall...come across this
Best tires ever.
Ohh Mr. Putin come out and play.
My dick after a cold shower.
It makes sense. (Sorry for overuse of meme and/or bad english)
Hold my beer
Oh no! We lost the ball!
Sweet karma
And we lived happily ever after
Immediate reaction as somebody insults your favorite band.
Easily measured expectation for me
*** you, I'm going UP
just a remote
When someone is flirting with my gf
I call this little fellah sasha
Wow. such pumpkin, many scare
horoscope gets serious
Stephen Colbert starts some shit.
Crosswalk heros
Me as a dad
Great halloween costume
She was nowhere near his mouth
And spends millions on a giant hat
Stinky cheese
Football is a dangerous sport
When the bass drops
*** this shit, I'm out!
How can you not know this
This is where they go
Karma, sweet karma
English is interesting
Dark humor is a good humor.
To all the Harry Potter adult readers
beards can do it too
The Loser gets sacrificed
scientific sex
Oh Granny..
Here kittie kittie kittie
Bad Luck Brian
and thats why we love James Deen
Take cover! Not that cover!
the good old days
I Should Try This To Get A Longer Nose...
I give it a 9.5
William Tell behind the scenes
Does anyone actually buy these, or do they just appear when a baby is born?
Couldn't resist it
Been there, done that
Here's a gif of paint drying.
Jesse, we need to cook a lasagna.
It's ok, I didn't like my childhood anyway
Don’t drink and derive.
suit for halloween
A translation
My favorite Theory.
hungary and wales
The greatest Halloween costume
Apply ice cold water to the stripped area
Surviving High School
Deadpool and Spiderman
I'm not saying they won't do this
Screw you Newton
Shit just got serious
It was hammer time
Unlucky license plate
When I see a sports car in traffic..
Good thing she didn't ask 4chan.
Kill me. Kill me now.
I AM the skater
***ing students
Assuming direct control
Small Child > Lady.
i want to know the story behind these posts
Made in Serbia
This is my Motto