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How to become single
Video Game Logic #2
I can't blame him.
White people
Dont you remember? You were Hitler and needed Money
Life advice from Joker
I came in like a WRECKING BALL!
Spoiler allert
Video Game Logic #5
I said don't go towards the light!
Tom Hiddleston accidentally groping meme
Merry ***ing Christmas
This gave me feels...
Kelso, it's 6 in the morning.
Only happens once in a full moon, too.
almost as thrilling as "spot the main character in an anime"
You disappoint me, guy who isn't my son anymore!
I don't have any words for this.
I think he just broke twitter!
i used to love sugar too
When someone tells me that watching 3 seasons in less than a week is not good
Every RPG ever
Palestinian vs America
I see you were turning
I like trains. :I
There are six creepy spirits in this gif
Published by EA
So gifted....
I blew up laughing at this
Really did I something hurtfull?
It could happen
When somebody says "repost" but their comment gets downvoted.
good try paris
Friendzone booth would be like in jail where outsiders talk with inmates
Oh God, even in heavens?!
RIP ming.. you will live on forever in our hearts..
looks so sad
Ultimate Guitar posted this on facebook
When kitten fart
Pass the word guys.
Everytime my gf gets naked
Cleaning his glasses... yea
That niglett stole my chair!
Every piece of furniture
women astronauts
Think you're having a bad day?
Darn it Ariel
and what about lizard?
I don't wanna guess just tell me
Bieber in Brazil.
Keeper of the peace.
18 of the best Ron Swanson quotes.
both seem right
That's wasis!
This will forever be my favourite post on Tumblr
I.... I.... goodnight
Mother Russia!
How about a pause button?
The day my poop can do this, I will never leave bed.
meanwhile, on the fresh page
that girl in the back while her friend is recording
Anon prank calls restaurant
Well that escalated quickly
What's the matter?
This man knows how to do it
Christmas Philosophy
Still more supportive that my mother.
Seems legit
An evil genius only Russia could provide.
Thank you M. Night
What to do if you start a band.
It has begun.
I guess they haven't unlocked this character yet...
Getting real tired of your shit Snape
It would be my favorite sitcom of all time
the little things
me trying to succeed in life
*** shoulda used powerpoint
No, it really doesn't
Where is the pooh(p), Piglet?
I dunno, I thought fishing would be . . . harder
knock knock
north west
tumblr goes deeeep...
Cats can't live on lasagna
American History X
10 Most Abandoned Places
She doesn't care if you saw a ghost
Two kinds of people