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A stupid guy doing stupid things. I often post stuff from other sites, and when i try to make OC, i fail miserably and i am left to rot.
I hope you enjoy my shitty-ass posts.

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Damn tyrone, get your sh*t together.
I second this
R.I.P. Mandela
That was a low blow.
The difference between Hugelol and ***
Comedy Gold.
They have AA groups for that?
Only takes one to do both.
room? I think you mean hangar.
Coming on like a boss.
It's wibbly wobbly
Joining in with The Walking Dad
Everyone needs a friend like Chandler.
this made me moist
Goddammit Jesus
Trying to look cool infront of friends
Hurricane Coming to *** Your Shit Up
That worked out well.
Parenting at its finest.
that feeling
When mom says dinner is ready.
whenever i try to look cool
would definitely play that
Poor Batman
cd bubble blowing
nigla u sho'?
It must be hard to fap.
Onward to victory!
The engine of your moms vibrator arrives for assembling
After I aced my first final exam of the semester
This is gonna sting a little
California, now its own country
'Murica Logic.
When Bad luck Brian meets Scumbag Steve in ebay
nailed it!
Best statue ever
Actual true love
oh venus
just chillin
'What's in this?' 'Hay bales'
Help nigga out!
Zero ***s given in russia
Dia And The Betus
Weed in space
Many grammar nazis were lost that day...
Its all about perspective
christmas word search
"Most realistic Grand Theft Auto"
how to deal with people that come crawling back
What beautiful eyes you have
Video game logic #2
College students be like
Pizza might be faster than the police but 4chan is faster than pizza.
When you need it most...
What have you done...
Definitely Donating.
That awkward moment.
Netflix on Studying.
Those euro jerks...
Jaden wins this round.
Tumblr on christmas
Title unnecessary!
Wait, what?
Damon and Wahlberg.
Mechanical pencils, more valuable than gold
How it seems these days....
shhhhhhhh only dreams now
How can you walk if your feet aren´t real?
He's right though.
Look at me, I'm Hooman Hurr Durr!
Conclusion: Us teenagers are a highly unimaginative lot.
Comin' for your girl.
John F. Kennedy
Random Pillow Fight!
Hugelol will probably sign on for this one.
Only In America People...Only In America...
Tumblr likes death rays
Dammit Johnny. You said you could do it.
The wise words of Sid the Sloth
To whom this post may concern
Absolutely Useless
And earth is flat and sun revolves around us.
The elemelons
My eyes have been opened
I believe it does!
how can you banned /b/
Good job Bulbasaur
So this is true for too many of us
I lost my shit at the "slow clap" part