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"The thing about quotes on the internet is that you cannot confirm their validity." - Abraham Lincoln

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Womens Logic.
'You expect me to go through there?'
A truly excellent point
Yeah, my head can rotate too!
Dead pixel on google earth
Do you like them?
I hate it when this happens...
Teach me Master
Men just f*ck stuff...
This exceeds the limits...
The dance of life
I got your back bro!
Only for women
Yeaahhhh Suuureee
What most men dream of. If only...
Dr. Evils latest plan to kill all humans.
Feed Me!
You just can't question Homer's logics.
Cat hedgehog brush
Try it, it workes!
Dont care.
The Power of Blue Screen
Hulk hogan
Seems legit.....
What the f-ck
Die Hard
Soccer trolling goal
Dank u
Don't mind me. Just being a boss
Nuhuh b*tches
What do we call him? BAWS!
They are not always evil.
Well, that escalated quickly!
Oh you have to study? Why don't you just visit HUGELOL for a minute?!
''Matemattica, for those who don't know the Mechanix''
It's super effective!
Theory Of Squidward
So Much win
Twinception! (sorry if repost!)
Shows Proteins On Any Surface!
The tsunamifactory
Suck my big...
Oh arnold...
So you thought Slenderman was scary....
Some people trying to 'seduce' a girl.
I dont
Best pizza salesman.
I'm tired of this sh*t
Wildebeest migration argument
Must. Not. Fap.
Soccer skills trolling
If I fit I sit
What an idiot
Oh god why.....
Well f*ck...
I'm positive she did it on purpose
Bad Luck Brian
IQ level: -∞
I like bald guys and i cannot lie
He has spoken
As a person you don't like tells a joke.
So the truth finally comes out
Nice Pussy
Whenever i'm home alone and i wonder if i should masturbate.
Just don't
I don't think I want to add to it
Another one..
Pretty much every L.O.L. game for the first 6-7 levels.
Wat do?
Dat face...
Sorry For The Reposts
Miss you.
Bet she is
Getting up to pee
Erma Gerd LOTR
I love this...
My grandpa actually said this when i asked him: ''why are you always mean to people?''
Yea.. I do this too.
Mosh pit during Viking Metal..
Political joke... f*ck me right?
Wel that changes the situation.
Is just a flesh wound!
When a song describes...
Get the London look.
Every day at school...
Well... just youtube
Nigga Stole My Bike
Justin Beaver throwing up on stage, priceless.
Oh god...
Doesn't work with androids
Cat Collider