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yea, take that, ***
A picture of Leonardo Di Cryprio crying, made out of pictures of Oscar winners.
school in general
ultimate badass
So I heard that she is single again....
Insanity Wolf Saves Us.
made me chuckle
Even in war, there is time for trolling
japanese people bowing
"Let Me Touch it" that's what she said
wait a minute
maybe we're all spies, without knowing it
Interrogation back in the day.
If he said "no homo" then, technically he isn't
photoshop level: godlike
Tumblr train crash
Best Costume ever.
many snow.
Russiaball is of genius!
Sun of a ***.
Kanye is the type of nigga to stare at you until you look away
Never skip chip day.
Haunted ass pussy.
...That man near the eggs
Pat Robertson
Good point
German precision.
Stupid Obama, I'll nuke you!
but, but...but...Dad!
Ricky 'because i got high' Williams
First world problems
10/10 ~ IGN
such comment
what can i say? guys will be guys eh? eh?
I was a waiter and I know why.
End the double standard!
Home Alone: 3rd Reich edition
Anon trolls a kid at work
tastes like s***
insulting level: league of legends
Australian problems..
Now that is a Comeback.
Germans in a nutshell. Wörk wörk.
plz touch my wand
That happens way too often
How I feel as a guy who never posted anything in here
seems like he is good dentist
Reading the exam paper
Twerking is not for everyone.
[butthurt intensifies]
Depends, do you own a dog?
*Jewing intensifies*
First Strike.
Germany is such a lovely sunshine.
His intentions were good
Well, could he ***ing stop telling me to masturbate?
Call me king of tumblr
why do people think the french are romantic i think they are just arrogant
Life of a pirate
I'm crying
we need to argue with this logic
I see what you did there: VW
girls today
*** you Bill
Patrick's black cousin
Patrick's black niece
when someone called me a drunk man for having a hangover
Too early for a new trend?
A little suspicious though...
Also bad news for smart people
Two kinds of people.
"I'm a locomotive"
wut ?
every 4chan chat room user
Your mom's tampon is ready
Marshtomp? What's wrong?
And we are live in 3..2..1..
Stereotypes everywhere
Woodchopper: The Game: The Movie
then why don't you show me whats under your dress?
another unrealistic standard for women
all my feels
imgur - giving the best ideas that we will never actually do
Nic cage Morning
I can't be the only one who noticed this one. (wait what?!)
As a twin, I can attest for this.
A suggestion for fighting reposts
"He's everything I want!"
trying to be cool
bad luck
i shall call him mini-me
Their education has gone out the window!
Anon knows what's up
Deal with it
lesson learned
so majestic