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Gentlemen, I present to you a creation by God and Devil.
Dream job
It definetly looks it
Yes,yes they are.
What about Tokyo?..
Tittyknikers554 is that you
May Gaben protect us from EA and bless us with sales.
No One Touches My Cake!
I will only threaten people like this in the future
Boys will be boys
What am i looking at
Office cat
Op's dildo arrived
Polen again
Me playing GTA V
Does this only work on white girls
A much shorter Mulan
no bones, no proof
When boys exaggerate it
Cat shaming: Drug edition
Kids these days....
It`s right behind me isn`t it?
I sea gullible children
Mistakes were made
In mother Russia boobs touch you
The cereal he had as a child but forgot the name of...
Small Beans
U okay down there?
Dammit, Kermit!
Sunrise in Europe
Life is rough in the Pokeymans world
This is now on my "to-do list"
There is something very wrong with women magazines
Another reason why pizza is awesome
C'mon now, don't be like that...
Little punk
I have an ich on my nose
the mighty duck man
It's Ya Boy Little Bill
punless today
What an idiot
I wonder how much they payd for a sex!?
Terms and conditions
so is cocaine
Ni chan
Very disappointing
you got nothing on him
yea, take that, ***
A picture of Leonardo Di Cryprio crying, made out of pictures of Oscar winners.
school in general
ultimate badass
So I heard that she is single again....
Insanity Wolf Saves Us.
made me chuckle
Even in war, there is time for trolling
japanese people bowing
"Let Me Touch it" that's what she said
wait a minute
maybe we're all spies, without knowing it
Interrogation back in the day.
If he said "no homo" then, technically he isn't
photoshop level: godlike
Tumblr train crash
Best Costume ever.
many snow.
Russiaball is of genius!
Sun of a ***.
Kanye is the type of nigga to stare at you until you look away
Never skip chip day.
Haunted ass pussy.
...That man near the eggs
Pat Robertson
Good point
German precision.
Stupid Obama, I'll nuke you!
but, but...but...Dad!
Ricky 'because i got high' Williams
First world problems
10/10 ~ IGN
such comment
what can i say? guys will be guys eh? eh?
I was a waiter and I know why.
End the double standard!
Home Alone: 3rd Reich edition
Anon trolls a kid at work
tastes like s***
insulting level: league of legends
Australian problems..
Now that is a Comeback.
Germans in a nutshell. Wörk wörk.
plz touch my wand
That happens way too often
How I feel as a guy who never posted anything in here