late night bacon


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blubpoint · OP · 3 points · 11 years ago · parent
what makes a post "***" to you? just the sole reason that i found it somewhere on the internet and it amused me?

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Airbourne92 · Gold Club · 6 points · 11 years ago
it's *** stuff because it's relatable but not that funny (maybe meta-funny)

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Florin · -1 points · 11 years ago
***gers definitely find it amusing. I'm just asking where's the funny.

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blubpoint · OP · 2 points · 11 years ago
You do realize people have different types of humor? i myself find half of the stuff here not entertaining or can relate to it, but that doesn't mean it is all from ***.

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Florin · 0 points · 11 years ago
I do realize people have different types of humor. I also find many stuff here do not bring a HugeLoL, mainly because they are pseudo-funny ***-like content (like food/bacon addiction for example).

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