"We are sad to report that the brutal repression of protests in Ukraine has claimed another life"

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Attack on 'Murica
Mr.Freeze anyone?
I have no idea what's going on there
We just don't care anymore
The future is bright
That backfired a little...
I'll try again tomorrow.
Interactive Vegan-hater Annihilation Nanobot
Moon moon being special again...
Fluffy Frank Faces Fury From Foal
Hey kids. Wanna buy some eggs?
Excuse me
Steven Seagal saves the world again!
Damn crippled cracker
Meanwhile in Korea
Don't look mom. Don't look at your little boy.
I wanna play!
Darwin awards
Something had to be done!
slight mistake in formula
I never fit in and i don't know why
Just another ordinary day in Japan
How to get blind in 3 seconds
"I don't like you in that way, can we just be friends?"
Too late to panic. Accept your fate.
Ouch e.e
Maidan Kombat
Autobots, roll out!
Spot the little OP in progress
I cant describe my love for this face
Sometimes, the comments are synchronising with the post, making it funnier *flies*
Wanting to meet a cute boy at the ***
How many times do i have to tell you?...
Useless stuff is useless stuff
Vladimir, if you are listening, this is your excuse!
Sad picture of Leonardo DiCaprio after the oscars. We pray for him!
If you know what I mean
Move *** (He's Not Even Pedalling)
Just like R. Kelly.
And a b*tchslap. To make you sure the little prick got the idea.
Not Today
It doesn't have to be a human ...
Magneto, you sneaky little bugger...
Is this normal in America? Wouldn't you just slap the shit out of the kid?
Banned from the internet???
Ever wanted to see monkeys racing dogs? no.. well why not?
When we have opposite sex soccer in gym
When you gotta eat... you gotta eat.
Master of disguise
Thats ok I wasnt gonna sleep tonight anyways
can you zoidberg like this?
When im on a ranked winning spree
Suddenly, human sex seems a lot less complicated.
And they are also watching him. Oh, by the way that's not illegal.
Even St Peter is sick of this shit.
Asian men problems..
Words of wisdom
The Joys of Parenthood
Have you seen the new episode of Bleach?
*Imaginative title*
Gay Flight Attendants are the best.
Actual footage of vegans taking over a party
Taxes to the face!
+50 xp added. (Because he is on such a low level)
***es be like...
Maria's secret revealed!
Apply cold water to the burnt area
100% legit
Was hoping for a draw four
Close Call
pee or highscore. choose wisely
When I lose an argument
Which nerds are the best?
I regret nothing
South Park on making friends on Omegle.
Worst Jokes in existence.
How to feminism : step 1
When proving someone wrong on the internet
Risk it for the biscuit
mother of the year award goes to...
Nice throw cops!
You know what they say about a man with two hearts
Such Mature. much boop. Very repost.
Tip against pregnancy
oookay.. now i get it
Ah apple juice
History of Coke bottles
Pokemon in real-life
dem feels : (
American Jokes ON HL (Gif Version)